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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IErAnalyzerTitle > IErAnalyzerTitle.SetSel


Fore Syntax

SetSel(Begin_: Integer; End_: Integer);

Fore.NET Syntax

SetSel(@Begin: integer; @End: integer);


Begin_. Start position of selected section in the header.

End_. End position of selected section in the header.


The SetSel method selects needed section in the express report header.


For total selection of express report selection, use IErAnalyzerTitle.SelectAll.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains form with the following components:

Express report with active header must be set for UiErAnalyzer1 as data source.

Sub UserProc;
    Xaml: String;
    // Enable edit mode for header
    // Select header section
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.SetSel(ErAnalyzerTitle1.BeginSel + 1, ErAnalyzerTitle1.EndSel - 1);
    // Cut selected section
    // Insert dimension name
    // Set express report name
    // Insert current time
    // Insert current time
    // Insert specified text
    // Insert cut section
    // Set bold underlined italic
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.Bold := True;
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.Italic := True;
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.Underline := True;
    // Set size and font family
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.FontSize := 20;
    ErAnalyzerTitle1.FontFamily := "Arial";
    // Select all the header
    // Copy header text in clipboard
    // Insert to header
    // Get header text in  the RTF format
    Xaml := ErAnalyzerTitle1.Xaml;
    // Display to the console header text used to be shown in the RTF format
    Debug.WriteLine("Header text used to be shown in the RTF format - " + Xaml);
    // Finish header editing
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example all properties and methods specified above will be applied to the express report header.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

Sub UserProc();
    Xaml: String;
    // Enable edit mode for header
    // Select header section
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.SetSel(ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.BeginSel + 1, ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.EndSel - 1);
    // Cut selected section
    // Insert dimension name
    // Set express report name
    // Insert current time
    // Insert current time
    // Insert specified text
    // Insert cut section
    // Set bold underlined italic
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.Bold := True;
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.Italic := True;
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.Underline := True;
    // Set size and font family
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.FontSize := 20;
    ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.FontFamily := "Arial";
    // Select all the header
    // Copy header in the clipboard
    // Insert to header
    // Get header text in  the RTF format
    Xaml := ErAnalyzerTitleNet1.CtrlBox.Xaml;
    // Display to the console header text in the RTF format
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Header text used to be shown in the RTF format - " + Xaml);
    // Display to the console header text used to be shown in the RTF format
End Sub UserProc;

See also:
