Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxRangeFormatConditions > IEaxRangeFormatConditions.Item
Item(Index: Integer): IEaxRangeFormatCondition;
Index. Style index in the collection.
The property is read-only.
The Item property returns a style from the collection based on its index.
Item grants access to a certain style in the collection. Value of the Index parameter must be a non-negative number less than the value of the IEaxRangeFormatConditions.Count property. Index of the first style in a collection is 0, index of the last style equals to IEaxRangeFormatConditions.Count - 1. Index numbering is continuous.
Executing the example requires a form, a button named Button1 on the form, the LanerBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 identifier, that is a data source for LanerBox. The workbook of time series database is to be loaded to the UiErAnalyzer1.
This example is executed on clicking the button.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Grid: IEaxGrid;
Style: IEaxTableStyle;
RangeFCond: IEaxRangeFormatConditions;
Count, i: Integer;
RangeFormat: IEaxRangeFormatCondition;
a: String;
CondType: TabConditionType;
Grid := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer.Grid;
Style := Grid.Style;
RangeFCond := Style.RangeFormatConditions;
Count := RangeFCond.Count;
If Count > 0 Then
For i := 0 To Count - 1 Do
RangeFormat := RangeFCond.Item(i);
If RangeFormat.TabRange <> Null Then
a := " (used)";
a := " (not used)";
End If;
Debug.WriteLine("Style ?" + i.ToString + a);
CondType := RangeFormat.Condition.Type;
Select Case CondType
Case TabConditionType.Average: a := "Format cells with values higher/lower than average";
Case TabConditionType.CellContent: a := "Format cells with specified values";
Case TabConditionType.Duplicate: a := "Format cells with unique/duplicate values";
Case TabConditionType.Formula: a := "format cells satisfying formula";
Case TabConditionType.MinMax: a := "format cells with greatest/least values";
Case TabConditionType.Values: a := "format cells based on their values";
End Select;
Debug.WriteLine(" type: " + a);
End For;
RangeFCond.Remove(Count - 1);
End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing this example the console window shows information on conditional formatting styles applied to the table. Then the last style is removed from the collection.
See also: