Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxGridViewSettings > IEaxGridViewSettings.UseStyleFormatting
UseStyleFormatting: Boolean;
UseStyleFormatting: boolean;
The UseStyleFormatting property determines whether current sheet formatting will be used.
Available Values:
True. Current sheet formatting will be used.
False. Default. Current sheet formatting will not be used.
The property is relevant if working with analytical data area is executed in a regular report.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report with the REG_REPORT identifier. The report contains analytical data area.
Add links to the Express, Metabase, Pivot, Report system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
Rep: IPrxReport;
PivSlice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
Grid: IEaxGrid;
// Get repository
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get regular report
Rep := MB.ItemById("REG_REPORT").Edit As IPrxReport;
// Get analytical data area slice
PivSlice := Rep.DataArea.Slices.Item(0);
// Use current sheet formatting
Grid := PivSlice.Views.Item(0) As IEaxGrid;
Grid.ViewSettings.UseStyleFormatting := True;
// Save changes
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example data table will use current sheet formatting.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
MB: IMetabase;
Rep: IPrxReport;
PivSlice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
Grid: IEaxGrid;
// Get repository
MB := Params.Metabase;
// Get regular report
Rep := MB.ItemById["REG_REPORT"].Edit() As IPrxReport;
// Get analytical data area slice
PivSlice := Rep.DataArea.Slices.Item[0];
// Use current sheet formatting
Grid := PivSlice.Views.Item[0] As IEaxGrid;
Grid.ViewSettings.UseStyleFormatting := True;
// Save changes
End Sub;
See also: