Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxDataSources > IEaxDataSources.RemoveByKey
RemoveByKey(Key: Integer): Boolean;
Key: Data source key.
The RemoveByKey method removes a data source from the collection of express report sources by the source key. A data source key is passed by the Key parameter. This method returns True if a data source is successfully deleted.
Executing this example requires that the repository contains an express report with the EXPRESS_REPORT identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Expr: IEaxAnalyzer;
ExpDs: IEaxDataSources;
Res: String;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("EXPRESS_REPORT").Edit;
Expr := MObj As IEaxAnalyzer;
ExpDs := Expr.DataSources;
If ExpDs.RemoveByKey(3)
Then Res :="Remove";
Else Res :="Don't remove";
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing this example the variable Res contains Remove if the express report data source with the key 3 has been successfully deleted.
See also: