Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxDataAreaHierarchies > IEaxDataAreaHierarchies.RemoveDependant
RemoveDependant(S: IDimSelection;
Key: Integer;
EId: String;
T: IEaxDataAreaTransformation);
RemoveDependant(S: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimSelection;
Key: uinteger;
EId: string;
T: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express.IEaxDataAreaTransformation);
S. Dimension where alternative hierarchy is placed
Key. Key of the dimension
EId. Dimension element identifier.
T. Data transformation formula.
The RemoveDependant method removes data transformation formula from collection of alternative hierarchies.
To add data tranformation formula in alternative hierarchy, use IEaxDataAreaHierarchies.AddDependant.
The method use is given in the example for IEaxDataAreaHierarchies.FindByDE.
See also: