Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxAnalyzer > IEaxAnalyzer.BulkSelectionSet
BulkSelectionSet: IDimSelectionSet;
BulkSelectionSet: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimSelectionSet;
The BulkSelectionSet property returns fixed dimensions selection, used for batch operations.
The BulkSelectionSet collection consist of all fixed dimensions, used for export or print. That all the fixed dimensions for express report, containing one sheet. That the general fixed dimensions for express report, containing a number of sheets. The default selection consist of all selected elements by dimensions.
The selection of the BulkSelectionSet property can be modified if required and transferred as value of the IEaxBulkSettings.SelectionSet property.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains an express report with the EXPRESS_REPORT identifier. Report contains several sheets with at least one common fixed dimension of the sources.
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
DocPrint: IGxDocumentPrinter;
EaxRep: IEaxAnalyzer;
GxDoc: IGxDocument;
BulkSettings: IEaxBulkSettings;
SelSet: IDimSelectionSet;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
//Printer for printing
DocPrint := GxPrinters.DefaultPrinter As IGxDocumentPrinter;
//Express report with customizable batch printing
EaxRep := MB.ItemById("EXPRESS_REPORT").Bind As IEaxAnalyzer;
GxDoc := EaxRep.Sheets As IGxDocument;
//Batch print parameters
BulkSettings := GxDoc.BulkSettings As IEaxBulkSettings;
BulkSettings.Enabled := True;
SelSet := EaxRep.BulkSelectionSet;
BulkSettings.SelectionSet := SelSet;
GxDoc.Print(DocPrint, -1, 0, "");
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the batch print of express report is performed. The report variants are formed by all elements of the first fixed dimension.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains an express report with the EXPRESS_REPORT identifier. Report contains several sheets with at least one common fixed dimension of the sources. Selected procedure is an entry point for the .NET assembly.
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
MB: IMetabase;
GxPrintersCls: GxPrintersClassClass = New GxPrintersClassClass();
DocPrint: IGxDocumentPrinter;
EaxRep: IEaxAnalyzer;
GxDoc: IGxDocument;
BulkSettings: IEaxBulkSettings;
SelSet: IDimSelectionSet;
MB := Params.Metabase;
//Printer for printing
DocPrint := GxPrintersCls.DefaultPrinter As IGxDocumentPrinter;
//Express report with customizable batch printing
EaxRep := MB.ItemById["EXPRESS_REPORT"].Bind() As IEaxAnalyzer;
GxDoc := EaxRep.Sheets As IGxDocument;
//Batch print parameters
BulkSettings := GxDoc.BulkSettings As IEaxBulkSettings;
BulkSettings.Enabled := True;
SelSet := EaxRep.BulkSelectionSet;
BulkSettings.SelectionSet := SelSet;
GxDoc.Print(DocPrint, -1, 0, "", True);
End Sub;
After execution of example, the batch print of express report is performed. The report variants are formed by all elements of the first fixed dimension.
See also: