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Dt > Dt Assembly Interfaces > IDtUnpivotProvider > IDtUnpivotProvider.ToSource


Fore Syntax

FromSource(Row: Integer;
           Column: Integer;
           Var SourceRow: Integer;
           Var SourceColumn: Integer);

Fore.NET Syntax

FromSource(Row: integer;
           Column: integer;
           Var SourceRow: integer;
           Var SourceColumn: integer);


Row. Row index in destination table.

Column. Column index in destination table.

SourceRow. In the parameter the method returns row index in the source table.

SourceColumn. In the parameter the method returns column index in the source table.


The ToSource method helps to determine cell coordinates in the source table by cell coordinates in the destination table.


To determine cell coordinates in the destination table by coordinates in the source table, use the IDtUnpivotProvider.FromSource method.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IDtUnpivotProvider.Provider.

See also:
