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Dt > Dt Assembly Interfaces > IDtAccessProvider > IDtAccessProvider.File



File: String;


The File property determines the name of the Access database file from the table of which data is imported.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains an ETL task with the Etl identifier, and an Access database file named db.mdb in the disk C root directory. There is a table named Table_1 in the database.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

EtlTask: IEtlTask;

EtlProvider: IEtlPlainDataProvider;

AccessProvider: IDtAccessProvider;

WxProvider: IWxRectangle;

WxETLProvider: IWxETLObject;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

//ETL task search. Repository object with the ETL identifier

MObj := MB.ItemById("Etl").Edit;

EtlTask := MObj As IEtlTask;

//Start of the provider creation

//The Import From Access object creation

EtlProvider := EtlTask.Create(EtlObjectType.PlainDataAccessProvider) As IEtlPlainDataProvider;

EtlProvider := EtlProvider.Edit;

EtlProvider.Id := "Access_Provider";

EtlProvider.Name := "Import from Access";

EtlProvider.Description := "Import from Access";

//Set up data provider

AccessProvider := EtlProvider.Provider As IDtAccessProvider;

AccessProvider.File := "c:\db.mdb";

AccessProvider.Query := "Select * from Table_1";


//Save provider


//End of provider creation

//Start of visual object creation

WxProvider := EtlTask.Workspace.CreateRectangle;

WxETLProvider := New WxETLObject.Create;

WxETLProvider.ETLObject := EtlProvider;

WxProvider.Style.TextPosition := WxTextPosition.Bottom;

WxProvider.Style.PictureMarginTop := -10;

WxProvider.PinPosition := New GxPointF.Create(50, 50);

WxProvider.Extension := WxETLProvider As IWxShapeExtension;

//End of visual object creation

//Save Etl task


End Sub Main;

After executing the example the Import from Access object is created in the ETL task . The provider extracts data from the table Table_1, that is stored in Access db.mdb database.

See also:
