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Dt > Dt Assembly Classes > DtUnpivotProvider


Assembly: Dt;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dt;


The DtUnpivotProvider class is used to work with table data provider split into areas.


Features of separating into areas are shown in description of the IDtUnpivotProvider interface.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the Class class:


Class to get analog of the Class class object:


Class Object Properties Inherited from IDtUnpivotProvider

  Property name Brief description
DataBottom The DataBottom property determines row which sets bottom border of the A4 area.
DataRight The DataRight property determines column which sets right border of the A4 area.
DataTop The DataTop property determines row which sets beginning of data in the A4 area.
DataWidth The DataWidth property determines number of columns in data block located in the A4 area.
FixedCells The FixedCells property determines two-dimensional array with coordinates of fixed cells.
HeadBottom The HeadBottom row determines row which sets bottom border of the A2 area.
HeadColumn The HeadColumn property determines columns in the A2 area corresponding to the data block by which columns will be created in resultant table.
HeadTop The HeadTop property determines row which sets top border of the A2 area.
LeftBegin The LeftBegin property determines the first column with data which sets left border of the A3 area.
LeftEnd The LeftEnd property determines column which sets right border of the A3 area.
The Provider property determines table data source containing areas.

Class Object Methods Inherited from IDtUnpivotProvider

  Method name Brief description
The FromSource method helps to determine cell coordinates in the source table using cell coordinates in the destination table.
The SourceCellPosition method determines cell location in the source cross table by its location in obtained transformed table.
The ToSource method helps to determine cell coordinates in the source table by cell coordinates in the destination table.

See also:

Dt Assembly Classes