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Dimensions > About the Dimensions Assembly > Working with Dictionary Data

Working with Dictionary Data

To get dictionary data it is required to open the appropriate repository object and cast the obtained instance to the IDimInstance interface. IDimInstance is the main interface that gives opportunities to work with dictionary elements, values of selected attributes, indexes, dictionary levels and dictionary selection.

    MB: IMetabase;
    DimInst: IDimInstance;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    DimInst := MB.ItemById("Dim_1").Open(NullAs IDimInstance;

Working with Dictionary Elements

The IDimElements interface is used to work with the collection of dictionary elements. The Elements property can be used to get the collection of elements. The collection includes all the elements the user has read access to, without separation into levels or blocks. Collection elements include end-to-end indexation from 0 to Count -1. With end-to-end index the user can get all its parameters:

    MB: IMetabase;
    DimInst: IDimInstance;
    Elements: IDimElements;
    Elem: Integer;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    DimInst := MB.ItemById("Dim_1").Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    Elements := DimInst.Elements;
    For Elem := 0 To Elements.Count - 1 Do
        Debug.WriteLine("ID: " + Elements.Id(Elem) + " ;Name: " + Elements.Name(Elem));
    End For;

This code displays values of the ID and Name attributes for all the dictionary elements.

Various methods of the IDimElements interface are used to work with elements, united by some property (elements of the same level, elements of the same block):

On working with elements integrated by any property, this method does not work with collection, it works with array of elements. The IDimElementArray interface is used to work with elements array. Depending on which property combines the elements, different properties are used to get array:

Indexation of elements in array can differ from end-to-end indexation of elements in dictionary. The Element property is used to get conformity.

    MB: IMetabase;
    DimInst: IDimInstance;
    LvlInst: IDimLevelInstance;
    Elements: IDimElements;
    ElementArr: IDimElementArray;
    i, Elem: Integer;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    DimInst := MB.ItemById("Dim_1").Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    LvlInst := DimInst.Levels.Item("LEVEL1");
    //Collection of all dictionary elements
    Elements := DimInst.Elements;
    //Array of elements of the first level
    ElementArr := LvlInst.Elements;
    For i := 0 To ElementArr.Count - 1 Do
        //Receiving end-to-end index of dictionary element
        Elem := ElementArr.Element(i);
        Debug.WriteLine("ID: " + Elements.Id(Elem) + " ;Name: " + Elements.Name(Elem));
    End For;

This code generates the array of elements located on the specified dictionary level. Values of the ID and Name attributes are displayed in the development environment console for all these elements.

See also:
