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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimElements


Assembly: Dimensions;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;


The IDimElements interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dictionary elements.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Properties and methods of this interface can be used if work is performed with elements of source instance of dictionary. If alternative hierarchy is applied in the dictionary, it is required to create an iterator beforehand and use it to navigate the actual elements tree.

    DimInst: IDimInstance;
    Elements: IDimElements;
    Iterator: IDimIterator;
    DimInst := //Get a dictionary instance];
    Elements := DimInst.Elements;
    Iterator := Elements.Iterator;
    While Iterator.Next Do
        //Work with elements
    End While;


  Property name Brief description
AllChildrenCount The AllChildrenCount property returns total number of children for selected element.
AttributeValue The AttributeValue property returns value of element attribute by element's and attribute's indexes.
AttributeValueO The AttributeValueO property returns value of element attribute by attribute and element index.
Block The Block property returns object that contains dictionary block which includes element with the Element index.
BlockKey The BlockKey property returns key of dictionary block.
Child The Child property returns index of selected child relative to root dictionary element.
Children The Children property returns an object that contains array of element's children.
ChildrenCount The ChildrenCount property returns the number of direct children for selected element.
Count The Count property returns the number of dictionary elements.
DisplayAttributeValue The DisplayAttributeValue property returns displayed value of element attribute by element's and attribute's indexes.
DisplayAttributeValueO The DisplayAttributeValueO property returns value of element attribute by attribute and element index.
Elements The Elements property returns an object that contains an array of dictionary elements.
Id The Id property returns value of the Identifier attribute for the element with the Element index.
Level The Level property returns an object that contains dictionary level where the element with the index Element is positioned.
LevelKey The LevelKey property returns key of dictionary level that contains selected element.
Name The Name property returns value of Name attribute for the element with the Element index.
NextSibling The NextSibling property returns index of the element positioned next after the selected one.
Owner The Owner property returns index of parent element.
PrevSibling The PrevSibling property returns index of the element positioned before the selected one.
PrimaryIndex The PrimaryIndex property returns an object that contains primary index including selected element.
ReadAccess The ReadAccess property returns True, if user has read access to selected element.
WriteAccess The WriteAccess property returns True, if user has write access to selected element.


  Method name Brief description
FindById The FindById method searches element by value of ID attribute.
GroupKey The GroupKey method returns group key for element.
IsGroup The IsGroup method determines whether the element is a group.
Iterator The Iterator method creates iterator for dictionary elements.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces