Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IMDCalculationCalculateArgs > IMDCalculationCalculateArgs.UpdateType
UpdateType: MDCalculateArgsUpdateType;
The UpdateType property determines a method of data update on calculation.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains multidimensional calculation on DB server with MDCalc_1 identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MDInst: IMDCalculationInstance;
Args: IMDCalculationCalculateArgs;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MDInst := MB.ItemById("MDCalc_1").Open(Null) As IMDCalculationInstance;
Args := MDInst.CreateCalculateArgs;
Args.CleanType := MDCalculateArgsCleanType.None;
Args.UpdateType := MDCalculateArgsUpdateType.NotNull;
Args.AutoSaveSQL := TriState.OnOption;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example multidimensional calculation is executed on DB server. The data consumer is not cleared before calculation. Only the values are updated, by which formulas are set.
See also: