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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IMDCalculationCalculateArgs



The IMDCalculationCalculateArgs interface contains properties that determine parameters of multidimensional calculation on DB server.


  Property name Brief description
AutoSaveSQL The AutoSaveSQL property determines whether an executed SQL query is automatically saved to a file.
CleanType The CleanType property determines a method of cleaning consumer before a calculation.
DateBegin The DateBegin property determines a date of calculation period start.
DateEnd The DateEnd property determines a date of calculation period end.
Recursion The Recursion property determines whether formulas interdependency is taken into account on calculation.
RecursionEnabled The RecursionEnabled property determines whether recursion can be used in formulas.
RecursionSource The RecursionSource property returns a source index in recursive multidimensional calculation.
SliceFilter The SliceFilter property returns filtering settings of elements used in calculation.
UpdateType The UpdateType property determines a method of data update on calculation.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces