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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeMetaLoader


Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The ICubeMetaLoader interface is used to load time series from the data source.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get the object for loading time series from the data source:


  Property name Brief description
The AutoPeriod property returns parameters of time series loading period.
The Bindings property determines a binding of time series database attributes to data source fields.
The CanLockBMOD property determines a mode of locking the system table on loading factors to the time series database.
The Data property determines an object that is a data source.
The DataOffset property determines a string, starting from which the data is loaded.
The DecreasePeriod property determines whether to decrease time series period in time series database
The DisableTransactions property determines whether to import time series in one transaction.
The DuplicateCheck property determines a mode of excluding duplicate values.
The ImportCallback property determines the object that is used to handle events occurring on time series import.
The ImportObjectKey property determines a key of the object that loads time series.
The IncreasePeriod property determines whether time series start and end dates must be redetermined according to loaded data.
The InvalidFactors property returns the array of factors keys, on loading of which an error occurred.
The LoadType property determines a mode of time series loading.
The LoadEmptyValues property determines whether to load empty values of time series.
The LoadMode property determines a mode of updating information by series.
The LoadNullForMissMatchValueType property determines if the Null value is recorded on import of values that do not correspond to consumer field type.
The Log property returns report on time series loading.
The LogDateParseError property determines whether to insert information about date parse error to the report on time series loading.
The NewRevisionName property determines a name of the created revision.
The OverWriteWholeFactorValues property determines whether the whole row is rewritten on import.
The Rubricator property determines the time series database, to which data is loaded.
The RubricatorInstance property determines data of time series database.
The ScenarioKey property determines the scenario key, by which data is loaded.
The ScaleValues property determines whether data is normalized on import.
The SkipEmptyRows property determines whether to skip empty rows on data import.
The SourceFieldStringSize property determines the length of string fields in a data source.
The TreatEmptyStringAsNull property determines whether to write empty strings as Null.


  Method name Brief description
The LoadData method loads factors from a data source.
The TestLoad method executes test loading of factors from a data source.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces