Metabase > Metabase Assembly Enumerations > MetabaseObjectClass
The MetabaseObjectClass enumeration contains types of repository objects.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | KE_CLASS_FOLDER. Folder. |
1 | KE_CLASS_SPECIALOBJECTS. Special object. |
4 | KE_CLASS_NAMESPACE_FOLDER. Container. Folder with namespace for identifiers. |
16 | KE_CLASS_SHORTCUT_AUDIT. Special class for shortcut audit. This class can be sent to audit filter settings by repository objects classes IMetabaseAuditPolicy.FilterClass and are not allowed to use for objects creation. |
32 | KE_CLASS_REPOSITORY_AUDIT. Special class for audit of operations with repository. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
513 | KE_CLASS_DATABASE. Database. |
769 | KE_CLASS_TABLE. Table. |
770 | KE_CLASS_QUERY. Query. |
771 | KE_CLASS_VIEW. View. |
772 | KE_CLASS_EXCEL_DS. Data source - Excel. |
773 | KE_CLASS_DBF_DS. Data source is DBF. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
774 | KE_CLASS_ACCESS_DS. Data source is Access. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
775 | KE_CLASS_TXT_DS. Data source is a text file. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
776 | KE_CLASS_ODBC_DS. Data source - ODBC. |
777 | KE_CLASS_LOG. Log. |
778 | KE_CLASS_EXTERNTABLE. External table. |
779 | KE_CLASS_EXTERNVIEW. External view. |
780 | KE_CLASS_SEQUENCE. Sequence. |
1025 | KE_CLASS_STDDIM. Table dictionary. |
1026 | KE_CLASS_CLNDIM. Calendar dictionary. |
1027 | KE_CLASS_USERDIM. Calculated dictionary. |
1028 | KE_CLASS_CUSTOMDIM. Designed dictionary. |
1029 | KE_CLASS_DIMELEMENTGROUP. Group of elements of dimension. |
1030 | KE_CLASS_DIMSELECTIONSCHEMA. Dictionary element selection schema. |
1031 | KE_CLASS_ADOMDDIM. ADOMD dictionary. |
1032 | KE_CLASS_MSSCENARIODIM. Scenario modelling dictionary. |
1033 | KE_CLASS_AUTOCUBEUNITSDIM. Units dictionary. |
1034 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORREVISIONSDIM. Revisions dictionary in time series database. |
1035 | KE_CLASS_COMPOUNDDIM. Composite dictionary. |
1036 | KE_CLASS_COMPOUNDCLNDIM. Compound calendar dictionary. |
1037 | KE_CLASS_VALIDATIONDIM. Validation dictionary in time series database. |
1038 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORCALENDARLEVELSDIM. Calendar dimension of the time series database. |
1039 | KE_CLASS_SOURCEANDFIELDDIM. Dictionary of sources and fields. |
1040 | KE_CLASS_NUMSROWSDIM. Dictionary of row numbers. |
1041 | KE_CLASS_DYNAMICDIM. Dictionary with dynamic data load. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
1042 | KE_CLASS_ATTRIBUTESDIM. Dictionary of time series database attributes. |
1043 | KE_CLASS_VIRTUALDIM. Virtual dimension for strings/columns of the table. |
1281 | KE_CLASS_STDCUBE. Standard cube. |
1282 | KE_CLASS_CALCCUBE. Calculated cube. |
1283 | KE_CLASS_CUBEVIEW. Cube view. |
1284 | KE_CLASS_VIRTUALCUBE. Virtual cube. |
1285 | KE_CLASS_CUBELINK. Cube connection. |
1287 | KE_CLASS_AUTOCUBE. Automatic cube. |
1289 | KE_CLASS_CUBELOADER. Cube loader. |
1290 | KE_CLASS_CUBEMETALOADER. Factors loader. |
1291 | KE_CLASS_SUBJECTAREA. Domain. |
1292 | KE_CLASS_INFOCUBE. "Infocube" for storing the parameters of creating the cube. |
1293 | KE_CLASS_METRIC. Metric. |
1294 | KE_CLASS_CUBE_CACHE_SAVER. Cache object for cubes and dimensions. |
1537 | KE_CLASS_MODULE. Module. |
1538 | KE_CLASS_FORM. Form. |
1539 | KE_CLASS_ASSEMBLY. Assembly. |
1793 | KE_CLASS_WORKSPACE. Workspace. |
2049 | KE_CLASS_PIVOT. Base for creating a table with the data of the following objects:
NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
2561 | KE_CLASS_EXPRESSREPORT. Express report. |
2562 | KE_CLASS_PROCEDURALREPORT. Regular report. |
2817 | KE_CLASS_BUSRUB. Business categories. NOTE. Working with objects of this class is no longer supported. |
2818 | KE_CLASS_BUSRUBCON. Business categories: connector. NOTE. Working with objects of this class is no longer supported. |
2819 | KE_CLASS_BUSRUBFACT. Business categories: factor. NOTE. Working with objects of this class is no longer supported. |
2820 | KE_CLASS_BUSRUBCOMPOSITEFACT. Business categories: composite factor. NOTE. Working with objects of this class is no longer supported. |
2822 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATOR. Time series database. |
2823 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORFACTOR. Time series of the time series database. |
2823 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORFACTORTRANSFORM. Transformed factor of time series database. |
2824 | KE_CLASS_IMPORTREQUEST. Parameters of importing factors to the time series database. |
2825 | KE_CLASS_EXPORTREQUEST. Parameters of exporting factors from the time series database. |
2826 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORSEGMENT. Data range (segment) of the time series database. |
2827 | KE_CLASS_WORKBOOK. Workbook. |
2828 | KE_CLASS_CUBEMETAUPDATE. Replication object. |
2829 | KE_CLASS_RUBRICATORHIERARCHY. Hierarchy of the time series database. |
3073 | KE_CLASS_APPSERVER. Task scheduler. |
3074 | KE_CLASS_METADICTIONARY. Metaattributes of time series database. |
3075 | KE_CLASS_METARECORD. Reserved for internal use. |
3076 | KE_CLASS_METADICTIONARYRDS. Table MDM dictionary. |
3077 | KE_CLASS_METADICTIONARYCOMPRDS. Composite table MDM dictionary. |
3329 | KE_CLASS_DOCUMENT. Document. |
3330 | KE_CLASS_TOPOBASE. Map. |
3331 | KE_CLASS_RESOURCEOBJECT. Resources. |
3332 | KE_CLASS_STYLESHEET. Styles table. |
3333 | KE_CLASS_SHAREDPARAMS. Global parameters. |
3585 | KE_CLASS_WEBAPPLICATION. Web application. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
3586 | KE_CLASS_WEBHYPERLINK. Hyperlink. |
3587 | KE_CLASS_WEBTHIRDMETABASE. Connector for the Prognoz 3. |
3588 | KE_CLASS_WEBTHIRDREPORT. Prognoz 3 report. |
3589 | KE_CLASS_WEBPAGE. Web page. |
3590 | KE_CLASS_WEBFORM. Web form. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
3591 | KE_CLASS_MOBILEAPPLICATION. Mobile application. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
3841 | KE_CLASS_SQLCOMMAND. DBMS command. |
3842 | KE_CLASS_PROCEDURE. Procedure. |
3843 | KE_CLASS_MDCALCULATION. Multidimensional calculation on database server. |
4097 | KE_CLASS_ETLTASK. ETL task. |
4353 | KE_CLASS_RDS_DATABASE. MDM database. |
4354 | KE_CLASS_RDS_DICTIONARY. MDM dictionary. |
4355 | KE_CLASS_RDS_COMPDICTIONARY. Composite MDM dictionary. |
4357 | KE_CLASS_RDS_IMPORTREQUEST. Object of import to MDM dictionary. |
4358 | KE_CLASS_RDS_EXPORTREQUEST. Object of export to MDM dictionary. |
4609 | KE_CLASS_DW_DATABASE. DW database. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
4610 | KE_CLASS_DW_FACT. DW factor. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
4611 | KE_CLASS_DW_FACTCUBE. DW factor cube. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
4624 | KE_CLASS_DW_REPOSITORYDB. Repository of extended warehouse of data. NOTE. Creating object of the class is not supported. |
4865 | KE_CLASS_ADOMD_CATALOG. ADOMD database. |
5121 | KE_CLASS_MODELSPACE. Modeling container. |
5122 | KE_CLASS_MSVARIABLE. Modeling variable. |
5123 | KE_CLASS_MSPROBLEM. Modeling problem. |
5124 | KE_CLASS_MSSCENARIO. Modeling scenario. |
5125 | KE_CLASS_MSMODEL. Model. |
5126 | KE_CLASS_MSMETAMODEL. Metamodel. |
5127 | KE_CLASS_MSMETAMODELCHART. Metamodel graph. |
5128 | KE_CLASS_CALCULATIONHISTORY. Calculation history. |
5129 | KE_CLASS_VALIDATION. Validation. |
5130 | KE_CLASS_VALIDATIONFILTER. Validation filter. |
5131 | KE_CLASS_VALIDATIONGROUP. Validation group. |
5132 | KE_CLASS_MSTABLEVIEW. Table visualizer for modeling container. |
5377 | KE_CLASS_TASK_EXECUTESUB. Unit execution. |
5378 | KE_CLASS_TASK_CONTAINTER. Scheduled task container. |
5379 | KE_CLASS_TASK_CALCULATECUBE. Calculated cube calculation. |
5380 | KE_CLASS_TASK_CALCULATEREPORT. Regular report calculation. |
5381 | KE_CLASS_TASK_EXECUTEETL. ETL task execution. |
5382 | KE_CLASS_TASK_CALCULATEMODEL. Model calculation task. |
5383 | KE_CLASS_TASK_EXECUTENETMETHOD. .NET assembly execution task. |
5384 | KE_CLASS_TASK_CALCULATEMDCALCULATION. Multidimensional calculation on the database server. |
5385 | KE_CLASS_TASK_PUBLISHMOBILEAPP. Publishing a mobile application container. NOTE. Creation of the class objects is not supported. |
5386 | KE_CLASS_TASK_UPDATE_CUBE_CACHE. Refreshing cache for task scheduler. |
5387 | KE_CLASS_TASK_UPDATE_DIMENSION. Dimension update task. |
5388 | KE_CLASS_TASK_SEARCHENGINE_IMPORT. Search index update task. |
5633 | KE_CLASS_NETMODULE. .NET module. |
5634 | KE_CLASS_NETFORM. .NET form. |
5635 | KE_CLASS_NETASSEMBLY. .NET assembly. |
5889 | KE_CLASS_CUSTOM_EXTENDER.Custom classes container. |
5890 | KE_CLASS_CUSTOM_CLASS. Custom metadata class. |
5891 | KE_CLASS_CUSTOM_OBJECT. Custom metadata object. |
7937 | KE_CLASS_SECURITY. Security policy. |
7938 | KE_CLASS_AUDITLOG. Access protocol. |
8193 | KE_CLASS_METABASELINK. Repository connection. |
8448 | KE_ADHOC_REPORT. Dashboard. |
8449 | KE_ADHOC_DATASOURCES. Dashboard data sources. |
8450 | KE_ADHOC_THEME. Dashboard theme. |
See also: