System > System Assembly Interfaces > IMatrixModel > IMatrixModel.LowerBound
LowerBound(DimIndex: Integer): Integer;
DimIndex. Number of the dimension, the lower limit of which must be obtained.
The LowerBound property returns the lower limit of the dimension, which number is passed as the DimIndex input parameter.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Cub: ICubeInstance;
MDS: IMatrixDataSource;
DSS: IDimSelectionSet;
M: IMatrix;
i: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Cub := MB.ItemById("CUBE_1").Open(Null) As ICubeInstance;
MDS := Cub.Destinations.DefaultDestination As IMatrixDataSource;
DSS := MDS.CreateDimSelectionSet;
For i := 0 To DSS.Count - 1 Do
End For;
M := MDS.Execute(DSS);
For i := 0 To M.DimensionCount - 1 Do
Debug.Write("Dimension: " + i.ToString);
Debug.Write("; Lower limit: " + M.LowerBound(i).ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("; Upper limit: " + M.UpperBound(i).ToString);
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a matrix with data will be obtained on the basis of a cube with the CUBE_1 identifier. The lower and upper limits by all the dimensions of the output matrix will be displayed.
See also: