System > System Assembly Interfaces > IMatrixModel > IMatrixModel.CreateFixInfo
CreateFixInfo: IMatrixModelFixInfo;
The CreateFixInfo method creates an object that is necessary for fixing matrix dimensions.
Sub Main;
M: Matrix[3];
M1, M2: Matrix[2];
Mm: IMatrixModel;
x, y, z: Integer;
Fix: IMatrixModelFixInfo;
Debug.WriteLine("Source matrix");
For x := 0 To 2 Do
For y := 0 To 2 Do
For z := 0 To 2 Do
M[x, y, z] := Math.RandBetweenI(0, 9);
Debug.Write(M[x, y, z] + " ");
End For;
End For;
End For;
Mm := M As IMatrixModel;
Fix := Mm.CreateFixInfo;
Fix.Item(0) := 0;
M1 := Mm.Dereference(Fix);
Fix.Item(0) := 1;
M2 := Mm.Dereference(Fix);
For y := 0 To 2 Do
For z := 0 To 2 Do
Debug.Write(M1[y, z] + " ");
End For;
End For;
For y := 0 To 2 Do
For z := 0 To 2 Do
Debug.Write(M2[y, z] + " ");
End For;
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a 3x3x3 matrix of random numbers will be generated. Two more matrices will be obtained on the basis of this matrix, by fixing the source one by the X dimension. The M1 matrix is obtained by fixing the source matrix by the first element of the X dimension, M2 is by fixing by the second element of the X dimension. All the dimensions of the source matrix and M1 and M2 matrices will be displayed.
See also: