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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingValue > IBindingValue.UI


Fore Syntax

UI: String;

Fore.NET Syntax

UI: String;


The UI property returns type of value editor.


This property returns one of the following values:

Value Brief description
CheckBox Settings for (checkbox) radio button.
ComboBox Settings for combobox.
DateTimePicker Settings for time/date editor.
DatePicker Settings for date editor.
DecimalEdit Settings for high-precision real values editor.
DecimalSlider Settings for slider of decimal values.
DimCombo Settings for drop-down dictionary list.
EditBox Settings for text editor.
FloatEdit Settings for real value editor.
FloatSlider Settings for slider of real values.
IdentEdit Settings for identifier editor.
IntegerEdit Settings for integer value editor.
IntegerSlider Settings for slider of decimal values.
MaskEdit Settings for masked string editor.
TimePicker Settings for time editor.
TreeCombo Settings for combo tree.

See also:
