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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingMaskEdit > IBindingMaskEdit.AutoSelectDefined


Fore Syntax

AutoSelectDefined: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

AutoSelectDefined: Boolean;


The AutoSelectDefined property determines whether the AUTOSELECT parameter is present in binding string.


If the AutoSelectDefined property is set to True, the binding string describing the value editor contains the AUTOSELECT parameter. The parameter value is determined by the AutoSelect property.

Fore Example

Sub MaskEditBindingInfo(SourceBinding: String);
    BM: IBindingManager;
    Binding: IBindingValue;
    MaskBoxBinding: IBindingMaskEdit;
    BM := New BindingManager.Create;
    Binding := BM.CreateByValue(SourceBinding);
    If Binding.UI = "MaskEdit" Then
        MaskBoxBinding := Binding As IBindingMaskEdit;
        //Check if the AUTOSELECT parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.AutoSelectDefined Then
            Debug.WriteLine("AUTOSELECT: " + MaskBoxBinding.AutoSelect.ToString);
        End If;
        //Check if the INPUTTEMPLATE parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.InputTemplateDefined Then
            Debug.WriteLine("INPUTTEMPLATE: " + MaskBoxBinding.InputTemplate);
        End If;
        //Check if the MASK parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.MaskDefined Then
            Debug.WriteLine("MASK: " + MaskBoxBinding.Mask);
        End If;
        //Check if the MAXLENGTH parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.MaxLengthDefined Then
            Debug.WriteLine("MAXLENGTH: " + MaskBoxBinding.MaxLength.ToString);
        End If;
        //Check if the VALIDCHARS parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.ValidCharsDefined Then
            Debug.WriteLine("VALIDCHARS: " + MaskBoxBinding.ValidChars);
        End If;
    End If;
End Sub MaskEditBindingInfo;

This function checks the binding string passed as the SourceBinding input parameter. If the binding string corresponds to the value editor by mask, values of parameters will be displayed in the development environment console.

Fore.NET Example

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;

Sub MaskEditBindingInfo(SourceBinding: String);
    BM: BindingManager = New BindingManagerClass();
    Binding: IBindingValue;
    MaskBoxBinding: IBindingMaskEdit;
    Binding := BM.CreateByValue(SourceBinding);
    If Binding.UI = "MaskEdit" Then
        MaskBoxBinding := Binding As IBindingMaskEdit;
        //Check if the AUTOSELECT parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.AutoSelectDefined Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AUTOSELECT: " + MaskBoxBinding.AutoSelect.ToString());
        End If;
        //Check if the INPUTTEMPLATE parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.InputTemplateDefined Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("INPUTTEMPLATE: " + MaskBoxBinding.InputTemplate);
        End If;
        //Check if the MASK parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.MaskDefined Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MASK: " + MaskBoxBinding.Mask);
        End If;
        //Check if the MAXLENGTH parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.MaxLengthDefined Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MAXLENGTH: " + MaskBoxBinding.MaxLength.ToString());
        End If;
        //Check if the VALIDCHARS parameter is present
        If MaskBoxBinding.ValidCharsDefined Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("VALIDCHARS: " + MaskBoxBinding.ValidChars);
        End If;
    End If;
End Sub;

This function checks the binding string passed as the SourceBinding input parameter. If the binding string corresponds to the value editor by mask, values of parameters will be displayed in the development environment console.

See also:
