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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingManager > IBindingManager.CreateByValue


Fore Syntax

CreateByValue(Value: String): IBindingValue;

Fore.NET Syntax

CreateByValue(Value: String): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report.IBindingValue;


Value. Binding string used for setting initialization of value editor.


The CreateByValue method initializes value editor settings by binding string.


The Value parameter value should be passed as a string of the UI=... type. On working with repository objects, the string can be obtained in one of the following properties:

On executing the example the specified binding string will be parsed. The following actions will be performed:

According to the editor type, the obtained settings should be cast to one of the interfaces, for which the IBindingValue interface is basic.


The example of use is given in description of the IBindingEditBox.MultiLineDefined property.

See also:
