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System > System Assembly Interfaces > IBindingComboBox > IBindingComboBox.Items


Fore Syntax

Items: String;

Fore.NET Syntax

Items: String;


The Items property determines the ITEMS parameter value in binding string.


The ITEMS parameter determines collection of combobox elements. Elements are specified as a character string and are separated by the character, which is determined in the Separators property.

The Items property is available if the ItemsDefined property is set to True. If the Items property is changed, the ItemsDefined property is automatically set to True.

Fore Example

Function CreateComboBoxBidning(Paramarray Items: Array Of String): String;
    BM: IBindingManager;
    ComboBoxBinding: IBindingComboBox;
    s, LineItems: String;
    BM := New BindingManager.Create;
    ComboBoxBinding := BM.CreateByUi("ComboBox"As IBindingComboBox;
    //Form a string from elements separated by the ; character
    For Each s In Items Do
        LineItems := String.Concat(LineItems, s + ";");
    End For;
    //Take off the last separator character
    LineItems := LineItems.SubString(0, LineItems.Length - 1);
    ComboBoxBinding.Items := LineItems;
    //Ability to edit
    ComboBoxBinding.ListMode := False;
    //Delimiter for elements
    ComboBoxBinding.Separators := ";";
    //Default value
    ComboBoxBinding.Value := Items[0];
    Return ComboBoxBinding.AsString;
End Function CreateComboBoxBidning;

This function generates binding string to use value editor as a combobox. The list elements are sent as input parameters array of string type, the ; character will be used as a separator. It is possible to input value manually in combobox.

Fore.NET Example

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;

Function CreateComboBoxBidning(Paramarray Items: Array Of String): String;
    BM: BindingManager = New BindingManagerClass();
    ComboBoxBinding: IBindingComboBox;
    s, LineItems: String;
    ComboBoxBinding := BM.CreateByUi("ComboBox"As IBindingComboBox;
    //Form a string from elements separated by the ; character
    For Each s In Items Do
        LineItems := String.Concat(LineItems, s + ";");
    End For;
    //Take off the last separator character
    LineItems := LineItems.SubString(0, LineItems.Length - 1);
    ComboBoxBinding.Items := LineItems;
    //Ability to edit
    ComboBoxBinding.ListMode := False;
    //Delimiter for elements
    ComboBoxBinding.Separators := ";";
    //Default value
    ComboBoxBinding.Value := Items[0];
    Return ComboBoxBinding.AsString;
End Function;

This function generates binding string to use value editor as a combobox. The list elements are sent as input parameters array of string type, the ; character will be used as a separator. It is possible to input value manually in combobox.

See also:
