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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChartHint > IChartHint.CustomFormat


Fore Syntax

CustomFormat: String;

Fore.NET Syntax

CustomFormat: string;


The CustomFormat property determines a custom format of numeric values of tooltips on the chart.


Available formats:

To determine a format of data label view on the chart, use IChartHint.StringFormat.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form containing the components:

  1. ChartBox with the ChartBox1 identifier.

  2. UiChart with the UiChart1 identifier. It is required to set the number of points and series for UiChart1. The UiChart1 component is a data source for ChartBox1. To plot a chart, create the event handlers OnGetDataValue and OnGetSerieName.

Sub Userproc;
    Chart: IChart;
    Hint: IChartHint;
    Color: IGxColor;
    Font: IGxFont;
    // Get chart
    Chart := UiChart1.Chart;
    // Get chart tooltips
    Hint := chart.HintFormat;
    // Enable tooltips
    Chart.UseSignatureHint := True;
    // Change tooltip background color
    Hint.BackgroundInfo.Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(1200120);
    // Create a new color
    Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(127127127);
    // Disable ability to take color from indicator for tooltip border
    Hint.UseIndicatorColorForBorder := False;
    // Apply new color for tooltip contour
    Hint.BorderPen := New GxPen.CreateSolid(Color);
    // Set default format
    Hint.CustomFormat := "0,0000";
    // Create a new font
    Font := New GxFont.Create("Arial"5);
    // Apply new font for tooltips
    Hint.Font := Font;
    //Change color font
    Hint.FontColor := Color;
    // Change horizontal position of label on tooltip
    Hint.HorizontalAlignment := ChartHorizontalAlignment.Left;
    // Change format of tooltip displaying for stacked value
    Hint.StringFormat := "%Part";
    // Refresh chart
End Sub Userproc;

After executing the example, pointing the cursor on chart bars displays tooltips of the specified format.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

Public Sub UserProc();
    Chart: IChart;
    Hint: IChartHint;
    Color: GxColorClass_2 = New GxColorClass_2();
    Color1: GxColorClass_2 = New GxColorClass_2();
    Font: GxFont = New GxFontClass();
    Pen: GxPen = New GxPenClass();
    Unit: GxUnit;
    Style: GxFontStyle = New GxFontStyle();
    // Get chart
    Chart := UiChartNet1.ChartUi.Chart;
    // Get chart tooltips
    Hint := chart.HintFormat;
    // Enable tooltips
    Chart.UseSignatureHint := True;
    // Change tooltip background color
    Hint.BackgroundInfo.Color := Color;
    // Create a new color
    // Disable ability to take color from indicator for tooltip border
    Hint.UseIndicatorColorForBorder := False;
    // Apply new color for tooltip contour
    Hint.BorderPen.CreateSolid(Color1, 5);
    // Set default format
    Hint.CustomFormat := "0,0000";
    // Create a new font
    Font.Create("Arial"5, GxFontStyle.gfsRegular, GxUnit.guPoint);
    // Apply new font for tooltips
    Hint.Font := Font;
    //Change color font
    Hint.FontColor := Color1;
    // Change horizontal position of label on tooltip
    Hint.HorizontalAlignment := ChartHorizontalAlignment.chaLeft;
    // Change format of tooltip displaying for stacked value
    Hint.StringFormat := "%Part";
    // Refresh chart
End Sub UserProc;

See also:
