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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces

Chart Assembly Interfaces

The Chart assembly contains the following interfaces:

  Interfaces Brief description
Outdated. The IBubbleChart interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine bubble chart parameters.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartAbstractItem interface contains basic properties of bubble chart elements.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartAxis interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of bubble chart metrics.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartAxisLabelInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of axes data labels.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartAxisLinear interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of bubble chart axes.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartBackgroundInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of background shown for various bubble chart elements.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartCaption interface contains properties that are used to determine caption parameters.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartChartArea interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of bubble chart plot area.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartCommonItem interface contains basic properties of bubble chart elements that have a border.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartGraphArea interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters for the area where bubble chart animation is shown.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartLabel interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of text data labels shown next to a series bubble.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartLegend interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of bubble chart legend.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartPlacedItem interface contains basic properties of bubble chart elements that show a text.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartSerie interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a bubble chart data series.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartSeries interface contains properties that are used to work with the bubble chart series collection.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartTimeLine interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of timeline in a bubble chart.
Outdated. The IBubbleChartTooltip interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a tooltip displayed for a bubble chart data series.
The IChart interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine chart parameters.
The IChart3DBox interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine 3D scene parameters.
The IChartAbstractItem interface contains properties of chart components.
The IChartArea interface contains properties that are used determine chart area parameters.
The IChartAxis interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of chart axes.
The IChartAxisInterlineCaption interface is used to set up a caption between level lines.
The IChartAxisLevelLine interface contains properties that are used to set parameters for a level line on a chart.
The IChartAxisLevelLineLabel interface is used to determine parameters of line level label.
The IChartAxisLevelLines interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of the chart level lines collection.
The IChartBackgroundInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of chart components' fill.
The IChartBox interface determines parameters of the ChartBox component that is used to display charts.
The IChartBubbleInfo interface is used to set up a bubble chart.
The IChartCaption interface contains properties that are used to determine chart caption parameters.
The IChartCircleInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of pie charts.
The IChartCircleExInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a pie chart with the secondary pie or bar chart.
The IChartCommonItem interface contains properties that are used to determine chart parameters. This interface is a base interface for a number of interfaces.
The IChartCorridor interface contains properties that are used to determine chart corridor parameters.
The IChartCorridors interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of the chart corridors collection.
The IChartDateAxisSettings interface is used to set up dates axis.
The IChartExporter interface contains properties and methods for chart export.
The IChartExternLegend interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of external chart legend.
The IChartExternLegendItem interface contains properties of an element of external chart legend.
The IChartExternLegendItems interface contains properties and methods of the collection of external chart legend elements.
The IChartGraphArea interface determines chart plot area parameters.
The IChartHint interface is used to determine a chart tooltip format.
The IChartbar chartmInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine histogram parameters.
The IChartLabel interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of graph data labels.
The IChartLegend property contains properties that are used to determine graph legend parameters.
The IChartMarker interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of chart markers.
The IChartPlacedItem interface contains properties that are used to determine text parameters. This interface is a base interface for a number of interfaces.
The IChartPointNameNode interface contains properties that are used to work with hierarchy level for category axis names.
The IChartSelectedSeries interface contains properties and methods of the collection of selected chart data series.
The IChartSerie interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of a chart data series.
The IChartSerieBase interface contains basic properties and methods of various chart data series.
The IChartSerieClickEventArgs interface returns the index of the point and series, for which the OnSerieClick event has occurred (clicking a chart series), returning an object of the ChartBox class.
The IChartSeriePoint interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a data series point.
The IChartSeries interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the chart series collection.
The IChartShadow interface contains properties that are used to determine shadow parameters.
The IChartSource interface determines (chart) source parameters.
The IChartStyleAbsoluteGroup interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of displaying a list of series groups.
The IChartStyleRelativeGroup interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with relative groups of chart series.
The IChartTrendLine interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of a chart trend line.
The IChartTrendLines interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of the trend lines collection.
The IChartVolume3DInfo interface contains properties that are used to determine 3D chart parameters.
IChartWidget The IChartWidget interface is used to work with basic properties of the ChartWidget component.
The IScene3D interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine 3D scene parameters.
The IScene3DCaption interface contains properties that are used to work with a 3D scene caption.
The IScene3DConvexHull interface contains properties that are used to determine 3D closed surface parameters.
The IScene3DConvexHulls interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the 3D closed surfaces collection.
The IScene3DCoordinatePlane interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the coordinate system plane.
The IScene3DCoordinatePlanes interface contains properties that are used to get a coordinate system plane.
The IScene3DCoordinates interface contains properties that are used to determine coordinate system parameters.
The IScene3DCoordinateTextStyles interface contains properties that are used to set up text styles for coordinate system planes.
The IScene3DDataSource interface contains properties that are used to determine a surface data source.
The IScene3DDataSupplier interface returns scene series parameters.
The IScene3DDisplayedObjects interface returns 3D scene objects.
The IScene3DExporter interface is used to work with export options of a 3D scene.
The IScene3DGrid interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a coordinate grid of the coordinate system plane.
The IScene3DHullDataSource interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine a data source and its parameters for a closed surface.
The IScene3DLevelPlanes interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the collection of level indicating planes.
The IScene3DLighting interface contains properties that are used to set up scene lighting.
The IScene3DNamedDataSupplier interface returns scene series parameters.
The IScene3DNamedSphere interface contains properties that are used to determine named group point parameters.
The IScene3DNamedSphereGroup interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a named points group.
The IScene3DNamedSphereGroups interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the named spheres groups collection.
The IScene3DPlane interface contains properties that are used to determine scene plane parameters.
The IScene3DPrimitive interface contains properties that are used to determine appearance of graphic primitives and is used as a base one for some interfaces.
The IScene3DProjection interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine projection parameters.
The IScene3DRadiusDataSupplier interface returns scene series parameters.
The IScene3DSerie interface determines scene series parameters.
The IScene3DSeries interface determines parameters of the universal collection of scene series.
The IScene3DSeriesClickArgs interface returns description of graphic objects, for which the OnSeriesClick event has occurred (double-clicking a scene series in the regular report), which is returned by an object of the Chart3DSerieClickArg class.
The IScene3DSeriesClickEventArgs interface returns description of graphic objects, for which the OnSeriesDoubleClick event has occurred (double-clicking a scene series on a form), which is returned by an object of the Chart3DSeriesClickEventArgs class.
The IScene3DSphere interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of spheres (points).
The IScene3DSpheres interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the collection of spheres (points).
The IScene3DSurface interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of data view surface.
The IScene3DSurfaces interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the data view surfaces collection.
The IScene3DTextBackground interface contains properties that are used to determine a text background.
The IScene3DTextStyle interface contains properties that are used to determine a text style.
The IScene3DTextureManager interface contains properties and methods for working with textures.
The IScene3DView interface contains properties that are used to set up a 3D scene view.
The IScene3DViewPoint interface contains properties that are used to set up position and direction of a scene camera.
The IScene3DViewProperty interface contains properties that are used to set up a scene view.
The ITrellisChart interface is used to set up a Trellis chart.
The IUiChart interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine a graph appearance.
The IUiChartCancelEventArgs interface is a base one for some interfaces.
The IUiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetCategoryFormat event (creating a names format for category axis points).
The IUiChartCategoryNameEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetCategoryName event (creating names of category axis points).
The IUiChartClass interface contains static methods of the UiChartClass class.
The IUiChartEventArgs interface is used as a base one for some interfaces.
The IUiChartGatDataValueEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetDataValue event.
The IUiChartGetTextEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetLabelText event.
The IUiChartGroupCountEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetGroupCount event.
The IUiChartGroupNameEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetGroupName event.
The IUiChartParentSerieIndexEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetParentSerieIndex event.
The IUiChartPointNameEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetPointName event.
The IUiChartPointNameRootEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetPointNameRoot event (determining a root element for hierarchy of category axis names).
The IUiChartRelativeSerieEnabledEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetRelativeSerieEnabled event.
The IUiChartSerieGroupIndexEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieGroupIndex event.
The IUiChartSerieGroupNameEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieGroupName event.
The IUiChartSerieNameEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieName event.
The IUiChartSetDataValueEventArgs interface is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnSetDataValue event.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations | Chart Assembly Classes | Examples