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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChart > IChart.SaveDecoration


Fore Syntax

SaveDecoration(Xml: IXmlDomElement);

Fore.NET Syntax

SaveDecoration(Xml: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.MsXml2.IXmlDomElemnt);


Xml. XML document element.


The SaveDecoration method saves custom style to an XML document.


The following chart settings are saved to XML documents:

Tag of XML document Property
Type Type of the style (notional number, numbers 0, 1, 2 are reserved with system styles, the user cannot use them)
Name String name of the style (arbitrary)
CommonChartProperties General chart settings
ChartAreaDecoration Chart area formatting
GraphAreaDecoration Chart plot area formatting
LegendDecoration Legend formatting
ChartCaptionDecoration Chart caption formatting
Chart axis caption formatting (X, Y, YSec respectively)
Formatting of caption of measurement units of a chart axis (X, Y, YSec respectively)
Axis formatting (X, Y, YSec respectively)
DefaultSerieDecoration Default formatting applied to new chart series (newly created series)
AxisLinePen Pen for drawing axis line and axis scale marks
AxisGridPen Pen for drawing a grid
NoDataFontColor Color of text of the series name in the legend (if all series values are empty)
FontColor Color of text of the series name in the legend
Background Element background fill
Shadow Element shadow
Direction Element shadow direction
Tags of chart properties
Smoothing Chart smoothing
RoundJoint Rounding of corners of bars of histogram
GridVisible Visibility of grid of chart plot area
Tags of properties of chart background object
BackgroundType Background type (0 – no background, 1 – solid fill, 2 – gradient, 3 – image, hatching, 4 – glamour fill)
MainColor Basic color of object background
FirstColor Start color of gradient
LastColor End color of gradient
GradientAngle Angle of gradient direction
Tags of drawing properties
Color Color (ARGB format, range of values [0 - 255])
Pen Pen
Width Pen width
Alignment Pen line alignment
EndCap, StartCap Shapes at the start and at the end of the line
SolidPen Pen color
Font Font
FontFamilyName Font family
FontSize Font size
FontSizeUnit Font measurement units
FontStyle Font style
Brush Brush
BrushType Brush type (0 – solid, 1 – hatching, 2 – texture, 3 – gradient brush with a complex shape, 4 – linear gradient)
SolidBrushColor Color of one-colored brush
StartColor Start color of gradient brush
EndColor End color of gradient brush
NotImplemented Style preserving is not supported for texture brush (filling element background with an image) and brush of the GDI+ PathGradient type
Tags of properties of formatting for new series
SeriePaletteCount Number of unique basic colors (it is recommended to use default value (8))
ColorHuge* Hue, color hue in the HSV model (there is a mistype in the tag, but unfortunately it cannot be corrected, * - color index [0; SeriePaletteCount-1])
ColorSaturation* Color saturation in the HSV model (* - color index [0; SeriePaletteCount-1])
Color value in the HSV model that is used to specify two colors of series background.
BarSerieBackgroundType Background type (see above) used by default for a new bar series.
SerieBackgroundType Background type (see above) used by default for a new series of all types except bar type.
SerieBorderWidth Pen width for a frame around a new series
SerieLineWidth Pen width for drawing a new series (linear series)
SerieNoDataLineWidth Pen width for drawing a new series (linear series), sections without data
SerieNoDataLineDash Pen hatching of a new linear series. sections without data

NOTE. When saving a style other parameters are saved for a pen or a brush, corresponding to parameters of GDI+ objects. Please refer to MSDN for details.


This example assumes that there is the Chart object of the IChart type.

Sub UserProc;
    Chart: IChart;
    doc: IXmlDomDocument;
    element: IXmlDomElement;
    str: string = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" + #13 + #10 + "<test/>";
    doc := New DOMDocument40.Create;
    element := doc.documentElement;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example custom style of the chart is serialized.

See also:

IChart | Example of changing color style for all chart series