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Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Setting Up User Action Auditing > Object Classes

Object Classes

In this article:

BI Tools

Modeling and forecasting

Multidimensional objects


Database objects


Form, Units and Assemblies

Scheduler tasks

User objects


Object classes unites tools of analytical information treatment and displaying, development and administration, integration components.

The table provides system object description by classes.

BI Tools

Object type Description

The object is used to build interactive panels on data from various sources using visual blocks and reports.

A detailed description is given in the Building Dashboards section.

Regular report

The object is used to build, export and print reporting with custom structure containing tables, charts, maps based on multidimensional and relational data sources as well as other objects. Fine tuning of the report appearance is available.

A detailed description is given in the Building Report for Printing section.

Express report

The object is used to work with data from various sources and execute express analysis using analytical functions and visualizers.

A detailed description is given in the Quick Data View and Analysis (OLAP) section.


The object is used to explore data changing in time.

A detailed description is given in the Time Series Analysis section.

Modeling and forecasting

Object type Description
Modeling scenario

The object is used to consider alternative way of model development. Several scenarios provides a possibility to consider alternative ways of model development. It is one of the most effective tools in strategic analysis.

A detailed description is given in the Scenarios section.

Group of validation rules

Several validation rules combined into a group for consecutive execution.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up Group of Validation Rules section.

Modeling problem

The object calculates models of the selected metamodel one after another to obtain output data in resultant variables.

A detailed description is given in the Modeling Problem section.

Modeling container

The object is used to build models of arbitrary complexity and to perform calculations based on these models. It is available to apply more than 300 methods and functions.

A detailed description is given in the Modeling in Desktop Application section.


The object unites models into a chain that should be calculated using a modeling problem.

A detailed description is given in the Metamodel section.


The object is used to calculate output variables by performing transformations on input variables using statistical and mathematical methods.

A detailed description is given in the Model section.

Modeling variable

The object is used to get source data and save calculation results.

A detailed description is given in the Modeling Variable section.

Validation rule

The object is used to check time series data for correspondence with specified conditions and constraints.

A detailed description is given in the Data Validation section.

Multidimensional objects

Object type Description

Cache object

Data caching object used to store data in file cache. Files containing the data that is currently being processed are mapped to the computer's memory and used by the Foresight Analytics Platform tools.

A detailed description is given in the Caching section.

Cube segment

The object is used to store dimension settings and cube elements selection.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection section.

Cube segment container

The object is used to locate cube segments and table that corresponds to dimension selections. The container can be set up using only Fore programming language.

Standard cube

The object is used for logical organization of multidimensional data. Structure of a cube is determined by the set of dictionaries and the combination of facts. The specificity of this cube is that besides the facts that store data, calculated facts and relations can be created in this cube.

A detailed description is given in the Standard Cube section.

Cube view

The cube based on the other cube but having smaller dimensions. The number of dimensions is reduced by fixing dimensions.

A detailed description is given in the Cube View section.

Virtual cube

The cube is used to combine data from two or more cubes. Creating virtual cube requires several cubes of any type. Same dimensions of source cubes will be converted into virtual cube dimensions. A fact dimension in the virtual cube can be built with elements of fixed dimensions of source cubes.

A detailed description is given in the Virtual Cube section.

Calculated cube

The cube is used to get new data calculated on basis of data from other cubes. Creating a calculated cube requires one or several cubes of any type. Dimensions in the calculated cube can be copied from source cubes or created on basis of arbitrary dictionaries. Facts can be created by the user or copied from the source cube. All formulas for calculating cube data are user-defined.

A detailed description is given in the Calculated Cube section.

Automatic cube

The cube is used to create data source on the Top-Down scheme. Creating automatic cube requires a database and dictionaries. Dimensions will be based on dictionaries and the specified database will be used to store data. Data can be entered to the cube by the user or loaded from the specified cube.

A detailed description is given in the Automatic Cube section.

Time series database

The object is used to store time series that are designed for analysis and statistical data processing.

A detailed description is given in the Loading Data Into Existing Cube or Time Series Database section.

ADOMD cube

The object is used to get access to multidimensional data sources that are based on Microsoft Analysis Services, SAP NetWeaver BW, or random providers installed in the operating system.

A detailed description is given in the Connection to ADOMD Multidimensional Databases section.

Cube loader

The object is used to to populate a cube with data from another cube.

A detailed description is given in the Data Loader section.


Object type Description

Attribute dimension

Time series database object as a result of time series processing. The attribute dimension contains attributes of indicators that are links to the dictionary and the Value attribute.

A detailed description is given in the IRubricator.FactAndValuesDimension section.

Virtual dimension

The object intended to store private dimension in the report which contains several sources.

A detailed description is given in the Using Private Dimensions section.

Composite sidehead dictionary

The dictionary which is created automatically as a hidden child object of the report containing data area properties.

A detailed description is given in the Data Area Properties section.

MDM dictionary

A collection of elements containing scientific, productive and application information with the same theme.

A detailed description is given in the Working with MDM Dictionaries section.

Group of dictionary elements

A repository object used in dictionaries to limit the list of available elements. Groups of elements are created as dictionary children and are not shown in the object navigator.

A detailed description is given in the Groups of Elements section.

Dictionary element selection schema

The repository object is used in dictionaries to automatically select elements in accordance with predefined rules. Selection schemas are created as dictionary children; they are not displayed in the object navigator, but can be used in all the objects that use the parent dictionary.

A detailed description is given in the Selection Schemas section.

Composite dictionary

The dictionary which is created automatically as a hidden child object in the standard or calculated cube serving a base of the local fact dimension.

A detailed description is given in the Structure of Composite Dictionary section.

Scenario dictionary

The dictionary which is created automatically as a hidden child object in the standard or calculated cube serving a base of the local fact dimension.

A detailed description is given in the General Principles of Programming using Ms Assembly section.

Object imported to MDM dictionary

The repository object that is used to load data from custom sources to MDM dictionary.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Import and Export Schemas section.

Object exported from MDM dictionary

The repository object to export to destination files.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Import and Export Schemas section.

Compound calendar dictionary

Composite calendar dictionary is integration of several calendar dictionaries with various frequency.

A detailed description is given in the Calendar Dictionary section.

Table dictionary

A dictionary based on a data grid of a certain format, when each grid record forms a dictionary element.

A detailed description is given in the Table Dictionary section.

Calendar Dictionary

A dictionary which implements hierarchical view of a time scale with selected detailing. The calendar dictionary contents is generated automatically.

A detailed description is given in the Calendar Dictionary section.

Calculated dictionary

A dictionary, the data of which is populated in accordance with the custom algorithm implemented using internal programming language.

A detailed description is given in the Calculated Dictionary section.

Table MDM dictionary

An MDM dictionary which uses a separate table to store data

A detailed description is given in the Table MDM Dictionary section.

Composite table MDM dictionary

An object of MDM repository which includes both its own elements and elements of other MDM repositories.

A detailed description is given in the Composite Table MDM Dictionary section.


The time series database object that is created automatically. Fact metadictionary contains data about time series contained in time series database.

A detailed description is given in the Features of Data Storage in Time Series Database section.

Composite MDM dictionary

An object of MDM repository which includes both its own elements and elements of other MDM repositories.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up Dictionary Structure section.

ADOMD dictionary

The repository object that is used to get access to multidimensional data sources based on Microsoft Analysis Services, or SAP NetWeaver BW rules.

A detailed description is given in the Connection to ADOMD Multidimensional Databases section.

Validation rule dictionary

The dictionary based on the data validationis set up in repository.

Designed dictionary

The standard or calculated cube object as a result of local fact dimension or saving custom hierarchy as alternative.

Database objects

Object type Description

The repository object containing main settings to connect the existing database created at DBMS server.

A detailed description is given in the Connection to Relational Databases section.

MDM repository

A centralized storage of master data which ensures data consistency and consolidation, eliminates redundancies and optimizes data search.

A detailed description is given in the MDM Repository section.

ADOMD catalog

The repository object that is used to get access to multidimensional data sources based on Microsoft Analysis Services, or SAP NetWeaver BW.

A detailed description is given in the Connection to ADOMD Multidimensional Databases section.

Import object

The child object of time series database that is used to import data from external sources to time series database.

A detailed description is given in the Data Import section.

Replication object

The object is used for replication of time series database.

A detailed description is given in the ICubeMetaUpdateEx section.

Export object

The child object of time series database that is used to export data to external sources.

A detailed description is given in the Data Export section.

DBMS command

The object enables user to work with database objects using SQL queries. It is used to extract, refresh, delete or insert existing data, to create, replace, modify and delete database physical objects.

A detailed description is given in the DMBS Command section.

Multidimensional calculation on database server

The calculated cube features are implemented using an object, but the actual calculation is executed on the database server to release resources of the local computer. The multidimensional calculation using specified formulas calculates the values of one cube's facts on the basis of the fact values of other cubes. The fact calculation formulas are stored in a special table.

A detailed description is given in the Multidimensional Calculation on DB Server section.


The object enables the user to create procedures and functions for various DBMS.

A detailed description is given in the Procedure section.


The object represents a sample from table made based on SQL query. A query, as table and view, can be a data source for dimensions and cubes.

A detailed description is given in the Query section.

ODBC data source

This object grants access to various data sources that support working via ODBC drivers.

A detailed description is given in the ODBC Data Source section.


The object represents a logical table data of which are obtained by extracting data from database tables using SQL queries.

A detailed description is given in the View section.

External table

A table which is created based on a table available on the server. The difference between external tables and standard tables lies in the following: when user deletes an external table, the physical database object referenced by the external table is not deleted.

A detailed description is given in the External Table section.


The object provides access to the physical table on server.

A detailed description is given in the Table section.


Object type Description
ETL task

The object serves to extract, transform and load data.

A detailed description is given in the Data Import, Export and Transformation section.


The object is used to log operation performed during execution of an ETL task.

A detailed description is given in the Log section.


Form, Units and Assemblies

Object type Description

A set of definitions and a sequence of statements, which initialize the unit.

A detailed description is given in the Units section.


The object is used to create graphical user interface of application.

A detailed description is given in the Form section.


A set consisting of one or more units or forms that contain executable code of the application.

A detailed description is given in the Assembly section.

.NET unit

A child of the .NET assembly containing a set of definitions and a sequence of statements where the procedure initializing the corresponding .NET assembly is implemented.

A detailed description is given in the Creating and Opening Objects section.

.NET form

A child object of .NET assembly which is used to create a graphical user interface of application using .NET components and .NET analogs of additional components and access components to them.

A detailed description is given in the .NET form section.

.NET assembly

A set consisting of one or more NET units/.Net forms that contain executable code of the application.

A detailed description is given in the .NET Assembly section.

Scheduler tasks

Object type Description

Dictionary cache update

The object is used for specific setting of dictionary cache update on creating scheduled tasks.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up Object Cache Update section.

Updating search index

The object is used for specific setting of the object search index update on creating scheduled tasks, if BI search is set up in the repository.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up Search Index Update section.

Scheduled tasks container

The object works with suspended tasks: cube or report calculation, execution of macros and so on.

A detailed description is given in the Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule section.

ETL task execution

The scheduled task container object to start ETL task execution.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Unit execution

The scheduled task container object to start unit execution.

A detailed description is given in the Application Server> Scheduled Tasks Container>Working with Tasks help system section.

NET assembly execution

The scheduled task container object to start .NET assembly execution.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Regular report calculation

The scheduled task container object to start regular report calculation.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Multidimensional calculation on database server

The scheduled task container object to start multidimensional calculation on database server.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Updating object cache

The scheduled task container object to update object cache.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Cube calculation

The task scheduled container object to launch calculation of calculated cube.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

Modeling problem calculation

The task scheduled container object to calculate calculated task.

A detailed description is given in the Creating Scheduled Tasks section.

User objects

Object type Description
System classes complement

The custom metadata object that is used to enhance application development functionalities.

A detailed description is given in the Custom Metadata section.


Object type Description


The object is used to locate objects that tracks their identifiers.

A detailed description is given in the Container section.


The object is used to store and access to various types of external files.

A detailed description is given in the Document section.


The object is a container including loaded topobase file in TBS or SVG converted to various formats.

A detailed description is given in the Map section.


The object is used to create multilingual systems. When such systems are developed, they must be translated into different languages. Translation can be done by a developer himself, but development process is slowed down.

A detailed description is given in the Developing Multilingual Applications section.

Styles table

The object is a collection of external styles that are used for uniform layout of visualizers and reports.

A detailed description is given in the Styles Table section.


To synchronize application system versions of developers and end users, Foresight Analytics Platform uses the mechanism of repository object update.

A detailed description is given in the Transfer of objects between repositories and their update section.


The object is used to arrange repository objects.

A detailed description is given in the Folder section.


The object that has its own metadata, but data for it is taken from the initial object, available in this scheme or in the scheme with established connection.

A detailed description is given in the Shortcut section.


The workspace is a convenient tool to visually place system objects on a single work field, to provide access to functions and properties of the system objects, to display links between objects and structure of its dependencies.

A detailed description is given in the Workspace > Purpose and Main Features section.

Repository connection

The object provides a possibility to get access from the current repository to the other repository objects.

A detailed description is given in the Connection to Another Repository section.

Security policy

A set of rules that determine methods and level of application system's protection and regulate access permissions for system objects.

A detailed description is given in the Setting Up System Security Policy section.

Access protocol

The object monitoring the users' work.

A detailed description is given in the Access Protocol section.

See also:

Setting Up User Action Auditing