Quick View and Data Analysis (OLAP) > Building Express Report > Selecting Data Source > Managing Data Source Parameters
Parameters enable the user to dynamically change express report contents.
To manage parameters of express report data sources, use the Data Sources Parameters side panel tab.
Make sure that the side panel is displayed.
Select a data source with parameters on the Data Sources tab.
Go to the Data Source Parameters tab.
The tab may contain the following parameters depending on the data source:
Select a data set that will be displayed in the express report in the Display Versions drop-down list. Available versions depend on the data source type:
Standard Cube. The aggregation options determined on cube creation are available.
Calculated Cube. The following options where N is calculated cube name are available:
N. Cube data.
Formulas N. Cube data calculated by formulas determined in the formula editor for calculated cube.
Time Series Database. The following options where N is time series database name are available:
Attributes N. Time series data as for the last revision by the Fact scenario with the Attributes additional dimension. As elements, the dimension contains all attributes of series level and observation level except for system attributes with multiple values.
If attribute is a link to a dictionary, all attributes the used dictionary will be displayed as children elements for it.
Value editing is available only for observation attributes.
Complete Data N. Time series data with the Revisions and Scenarios additional dimensions. The Revisions dimension provides access to the time series data as for various revisions. The Scenarios dimension provides access to time series data of various scenarios.
Value editing is not available.
Scenario Data N. Time series data as for the last revision with the Scenarios additional dimension. The Scenarios dimension provides access to the time series data of various scenarios.
NOTE. The Scenario data N option is available, if a time series database supports scenarios. For details see description of IRubricator.HasScenarioDimension.
Actual Data N. Time series data as for the last revision by the Fact scenario.
N. Time series data by the Fact scenario with the Revisions additional dimension. The Revisions dimension provides access to the time series data as for various revisions.
Value editing is not available.
NOTE. Additional dimensions are displayed in the Selection side panel group of tabs.
Set values of express report parameters in the Parameters area.
NOTE. Parameters are available if data source is a parametric cube, or express report’s active sheet contains proper parameters.
To update express report data according to the set values, click the Apply Parameters button.
If the proper parameter is a dictionary drop-down list, configured for calendar dimension is selected as a parameter, on working with the parameter it is available to choose selection mode: By Elements Only, By Levels Only, or By Elements and Levels. The available selection mode is set on the Data Source Structure tab of the Structure and Parameters dialog box. Working with selection in such parameter is similar to working with calendar dimension element selection.
See also: