Sending Data from SAP to the Local Database Data Source (Data Push from SAP)

In this article:

Preparing Project in Foresight Mobile Platform

Step 1. Add the Local Database Data Source

Step 2. Add a Group of Users

Step 3. Add an API User

Executing Procedures in SAP Data Source

It is required to quickly send data from SAP to Foresight Mobile Platform, use ABAP procedures that allow for incremental data loading via API servers of mobile platform:

NOTE. The second procedure can be executed only if the user token obtained after the first procedure execution is used.

To send data from SAP to Foresight Mobile Platform:

  1. Prepare a project in Foresight Mobile Platform. Preparing a project includes creating a resource for the Local Database data source and adding a new API user. After being authenticated on mobile platform server, the user can address the created resource via server API.

  2. Execute procedures in SAP data source. When procedures are executed, data is sent incrementally from SAP to Foresight Mobile Platform.

NOTE. By default, the SOAP/XML protocol is used to send data from SAP, but the JSON data sending format is used on executing procedures. Data is converted to the required format in ABAP procedures and does not require additional actions.

After executing the operation the project is prepared in Foresight Mobile Platform and procedures are executed in the SAP system. The Local Database data source of the prepared project contains data sent from SAP.

Preparing Project in Foresight Mobile Platform

Before project preparation:

  1. Go to the Environments section and add a new environment.

  2. Add a project in the new environment.

After executing the operations a new project is added for further preparation.

Step 1. Add the Local Database Data Source

To add the Local Database data source:

  1. Open the new project.

  2. Add the Local Database data source using the drop-down menu of the Add Data Source button.

After adding the data source click the Create Resource button. The resource import options open:

Set the parameters:

NOTE. On resource import, the value in the Mobile Client Name field must match with the repository identifier.

IMPORTANT. When setting resource name note that it is forbidden to use some PostgreSQL keywords. For details about forbidden keywords see the PostgreSQL documentation. On an attempt to use forbidden keywords in the resource name the error message is displayed.

NOTE. Caching settings are available only for scalar input parameters of resource.

  1. Click the Import button.

After executing the operations the Local Database data source is added to the list of project data sources.

Step 2. Add a Group of Users

To add a group of users:

  1. Go to the Groups of Users subsection and add a new group:

Set the parameters:

  1. Click the Add button.

After executing the operations the new group of users is added to the project groups list.

Step 3. Add an API User

To add an API user:

  1. Go to the API Users section and add a new user:

Set the parameters:

  1. Click the Save button.

After executing the operations the new API user is added who is included in the added group.

Executing Procedures in SAP Data Source

Data is sent from SAP by means of procedures in the SAP system:

  1. Execute the first procedure to authenticate on mobile platform server and get user token:

FUNCTION zfmp_get_token.
  CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF lc_form_field,
               username    TYPE string VALUE 'username',
               environment TYPE string VALUE 'environment',
               password    TYPE string VALUE 'password',
               project     TYPE string VALUE 'project',
             END OF lc_form_field,
             lc_http         TYPE string VALUE '200',
             lv_content_type TYPE string VALUE 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
    lo_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client,
    lv_data   TYPE string,
    ls_data   TYPE zfmp_token,
    lv_mess   TYPE string.
      host               = host_server
      client             = lo_client
      argument_not_found = 1
      internal_error     = 2
      plugin_not_active  = 3
      OTHERS             = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-002.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-003.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-004.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-005.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
  cl_http_utility=>set_request_uri( request = lo_client->request uri = api_server ).
  lo_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_post ).
  lo_client->request->set_content_type( lv_content_type ).
  lo_client->request->set_form_field( name = lc_form_field-environment value = environment ).
  lo_client->request->set_form_field( name = lc_form_field-username    value = username ).
  lo_client->request->set_form_field( name = lc_form_field-password    value = password ).
  lo_client->request->set_form_field( name = lc_form_field-project     value = project ).
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-006.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-007.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-008.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-009.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-006.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-007.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-008.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-009.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
  lv_data = lo_client->response->get_cdata( ).
  lo_client->response->get_status( IMPORTING code = DATA(http_rc) ).
  IF http_rc <> lc_http.
    MESSAGE s368(00) WITH text-001 http_rc DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
                json        = lv_data
                pretty_name = /ui2/cl_json=>pretty_mode-camel_case
                data        = ls_data ).
    IF ls_data-token IS NOT INITIAL.
      ls_data-username = username.
      MODIFY zfmp_token FROM ls_data.
      MESSAGE s208(00) WITH text-010 http_rc DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error .
  lo_client->close( ).

When the first procedure is executed, an API authentication request is sent to mobile platform server. After executing the procedure the user token is obtained and saved.

  1. Separate the obtained user token in two parts to substitute to the second procedure.

NOTE. Separation of user token is required to meet the requirements of SAP graphic editor. The first part of the token must not be longer than 207 characters.

  1. Prepare the second procedure for execution. Set values instead of the following substitutes in the procedure code:

REPORT zmar_test.
PERFORM use_fmp.
FORM use_fmp.
    *Set IP address or DNS mobile platform server name and resource name of the Local Database data source
    lc_host       TYPE string VALUE '<IP address or DNS name of mobile platform server>',
    lc_url        TYPE string VALUE '/api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/',
    *Insert the first token part to the lc_token_1 variable after the Bearer value, assign the second token part
    *to the lc_token_2 variable
    lc_token_1    TYPE string VALUE 'Bearer <first part of token>',
    lc_token_2    TYPE string VALUE '<second part of token>',
    lc_auth       TYPE string VALUE 'Authorization',
    lc_content    TYPE string VALUE 'Content-Type',
    lc_json       TYPE string VALUE 'application/json',
    lc_data_start TYPE string VALUE '{"delete_ids":null,"upsert_rows":[',
    lc_number     TYPE i      VALUE 100,
    lc_count      TYPE int4   VALUE 10.
    lt_data       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
    lo_client     TYPE REF TO if_http_client,
    lv_data       TYPE string,
    lv_token      TYPE string,
    lv_value      TYPE string,
    lv_text       TYPE string,
    lv_check      TYPE i,
    lv_number     TYPE i,
    lv_size       TYPE i,
    lv_time_1     TYPE timestampl,
    lv_time_2     TYPE timestampl,
    lv_mess       TYPE string,
    lv_result     TYPE timestampl,
    lv_time_rec_1 TYPE timestampl,
    lv_time_rec_2 TYPE timestampl.
       host               = lc_host
       client             = lo_client
       argument_not_found = 1
       internal_error     = 2
       plugin_not_active  = 3
       OTHERS             = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-002.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-003.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-004.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-005.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
  WRITE: 'Number of rows: ', lc_count.
  lv_token = lc_token_1 && lc_token_2.
  cl_http_utility=>set_request_uri( request = lo_client->request uri = lc_url ).
  lo_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_post ).
        name  = lc_auth
        value = lv_token  ).
      name  = lc_content
      value = lc_json ).
  DO lc_count TIMES.
        nr_range_nr = '1'
        object      = 'ZRO_PUSH_F'
        number      = lv_number.
        number_chars  = lc_number
        random_string = lv_text.
    lv_value = lv_value && '[' && lv_number && ',"' && lv_text && '"]'.
    CHECK sy-index < lc_count.
    lv_value = lv_value && ','.
  lv_value = lc_data_start && lv_value && ']}'.
      i_string = lv_value
      e_xstring = DATA(lv_value_new)
      e_length  = lv_size ).
  lo_client->request->set_data( lv_value_new ).
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-006.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-007.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-008.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-009.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
  GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_time_rec_1.
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4 ).
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
        lv_mess = text-006.
      WHEN 2.
        lv_mess = text-007.
      WHEN 3.
        lv_mess = text-008.
      WHEN 4.
        lv_mess = text-009.
    MESSAGE s208(00) WITH lv_mess DISPLAY LIKE rs_c_error.
  GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_time_rec_2.
  lv_result = lv_time_rec_1 - lv_time_rec_2.
  WRITE: 'Execution time of recieve (get answer from ' ,lc_host , '):', lv_result.
  lv_result = lv_time_1 - lv_time_2.
  WRITE: 'Program execution time without txt output and displaying of result: ' , lv_result.
  CLEAR: lv_result,lv_time_2.
  lv_data = lo_client->response->get_cdata( ).
  WRITE lv_data.                              
  lo_client->response->get_status( IMPORTING code = DATA(http_rc) ).
  WRITE: http response: ' , http_rc.
  APPEND lv_data TO lt_data.
  lv_result = lv_time_1 - lv_time_2.
  WRITE: 'Program execution time without txt output: ' , lv_result.
  CLEAR: lv_result,lv_time_2.
  lo_client->close( ).
  lv_result = lv_time_1 - lv_time_2.
  WRITE: 'Program execution time: ' , lv_result.
  1. Execute the second procedure for sending data from SAP to the Local Database data source of the prepared project in Foresight Mobile Platform. When the second procedure is executed, sending of data to mobile platform server is initiated via API request.

NOTE. The Local Database data source is a PostgreSQL database by default. When the Local Database data source is added, the external API is created on the mobile platform server, which can be used to manage data in the data source.

After executing the operations the Local Database data source contains the data sent from SAP.

See also:

Knowledge Base