Property name |
Brief description |
AdjustWidthOnlyVisible |
The AdjustWidthOnlyVisible property determines the mode of auto adjusting column width. |
AttributeSeparator |
The AttributeSeparator property determines a separator between attribute names. |
AutoCheckParent |
The AutoCheckParent property determines whether the parent nodes of the component automatically receive an indefinite state, if not all of the child elements are selected. |
AutoExpandDepth |
The AutoExpandDepth property determines the number of the dimension level, which are automatically expanded, when the form is launched. |
BorderStyle |
The BorderStyle property determines a component border style. |
Checkboxes |
The Checkboxes property determines whether the component elements have checkboxes. |
Checked |
The Checked property determines whether the dimension element, the index of which is received as an input parameter, is selected. |
CheckState |
The CheckState property determines the status of the dimension node. |
ColumnClick |
The ColumnClick property determines whether component column headers can be displayed as buttons. |
Columns |
The Columns property returns the component columns collection. |
Dimension |
The Dimension property determines a data source of the component. |
DimGroup |
The DimGroup property determines the dictionary elements group, based on which an element tree in the component is built. |
DimUpdateTimer |
The DimUpdateTimer property determines delay between element selection and changing selection in dimension. |
DropTargetNode |
The DropTargetNode property determines the component node, over which the user is currently dragging another node. |
ElementsActive |
The ElementsActive property switches between the Be Elements and Be Levels selection modes. |
EnableFilter |
The EnableFilter property determines whether the field for dimension element filtering is displayed. |
EnableFindDialog |
The EnableFindDialog property determines whether the standard element search dialog is called when the CTRL+F key combination or F3 key is pressed. |
EndDate |
The EndDate property determines the period end of data range. |
FindMode |
The FindMode property determines selection mode of found elements. |
FocusedElement |
The FocusedElement property determines the index of the focused dimension element. |
GridLines |
The GridLines property determines whether grid is displayed. |
HideSelection |
The HideSelection property determines whether the selection is displayed in the component, when the focus goes to another component. |
HighlightTrack |
The HighlightTrack property determines whether the element is highlighted on mouseover. |
HotTrack |
The HotTrack property determines whether the elements are underlined on mouseover. |
HotTrackAutoExpand |
The HotTrackAutoExpand property determines whether the state of child elements tree is changed on clicking the selected element. |
Images |
The Images property determines the component, which images are used in the component. |
LevelsMultiselect |
The LevelsMultiselect property determines whether multiple selection of dimension levels is enabled. |
Locked |
The Locked property determines whether selection of elements can be changed. |
ModeElements |
The ModeElements property determines the view of the By Elements Only selection mode. |
ModeLevels |
The ModeLevels property determines the view of the By Levels Only selection mode. |
MultipleAttributes |
The MultipleAttributes property determines whether several dictionary attributes are displayed. |
MultiSelect |
Outdated.Use SelectionMode. |
OwnSelection |
The OwnSelection property determines whether the proper selection of component elements is used. |
RowSelect |
The RowSelect property determines whether the whole row is highlighted when an element is selected. |
Selection |
The Selection property determines elements selection. |
SelectionMode |
The SelectionMode property determines the mode of selecting component elements. |
ShowButtons |
The ShowButtons property determines whether the nodes children tree expanding and collapsing buttons are displayed. |
ShowColumnHeaders |
The ShowColumnHeaders property determines whether column headers are displayed. |
ShowHeaderButton |
The ShowHeaderButton property determines the button that opens column headers menu is displayed. |
ShowHints |
The ShowHints property determines whether a hint is displayed when hovering the mouse cursor over one of the component elements. |
ShowLines |
The ShowLines property determines whether the connecting line between a node and its children is displayed. |
ShowRoot |
The ShowRoot property determines whether the tree root elements expanding and collapsing buttons are displayed. |
SortColumn |
The SortColumn property determines the index of the column, by which sorting is executed. |
Sorted |
The Sorted property determines whether the values can be sorted by column specified in the SortColumn property. |
SortType |
The SortType property determines the component sorting type. |
StartDate |
The StartDate property determines start of the data range period. |
UseSystemImages |
The UseSystemImages property determines whether system icons are used. |