EndDate: DateTime;
EndDate: System.DateTime;
The EndDate property determines the period end of data range.
It is used on working with selection of elements of calendar dimension in the By Levels Only mode.
Executing the example requires the following components on the form: Button named Button1, DimensionTree named DimensionTree1 and UiDimension named UiDimension1. A calendar dictionary is selected as a data source for UiDimension, and UiDimension1 is selected as a data source for DimensionTree.
Add a link to the ExtCtrls system assembly.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
DimensionTree1.ModeElements := False;
DimensionTree1.ModeLevels := True;
DimensionTree1.StartDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2004, 2, 2);
DimensionTree1.EndDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2014, 2, 2);
End Sub Button1OnClick;
Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
DimensionTreeNet1.ModeElements := False;
DimensionTreeNet1.ModeLevels := True;
DimensionTreeNet1.StartDate := DateTime.Parse("2.2.2004");
DimensionTreeNet1.EndDate := DateTime.Parse("2.2.2014");
End Sub;
After executing the example, the By Levels Only selection mode is enabled for calendar, and the element selection period is set.
See also: