Working with Express Report


This page contains components for working with express report.


  Component name Brief description
BubbleTreeBox The BubbleTreeBox component implements bubble tree container.
ChartBox The ChartBox component implements a container for an express report chart.
CommonizeDimDialog The CommonizeDimDilog component implements settings for moving private dimensions to shared ones.
DimSelectionDialog The DimSelectionDialog component implements a dialog box for displaying and changing the current selection.
DimViewOptionsDialog The DimViewOptionsDialog component implements the dialog box where the user sets up dimensions layout.
EaxBubbleChart The EaxBubbleChart component implements the bubble chart data view in the express report.
EaxBubbleChartMaster The EaxBubbleChartMaster component implements the express report bubble chart wizard.
EaxDataBox The EaxDataBox component implements container for data area of express report.
EaxDimBar The EaxDimBar component implements express report dimension panel.
EaxDimBarMaster The EaxDimBarMaster component implements the dimension selection wizard.
EaxGrid The EaxGrid component implements a container for the grid in express report working area.
EaxMapBox The EaxMapBox component is a container for the express report map.
EaxModeSelector The EaxModeSelector component implements the button used to select data view layout mode.
EaxParameterBox The EaxParameterBox component implements container for express report parameter.
EaxPropertyBar The EaxPropertyBar component is a properties panel for an express report.
EaxRibbon The EaxRibbon component implements express report tool ribbon.
EaxToolBar The EaxToolBar component implements the group of buttons used to switch between data display modes.
ExpressBox The ExpressBox component is a container for express reports.
GaugeBox The GaugeBox component implements a container for speedometer.
HtmlExportDialog The HtmlExportDialog component implements the dialog box used to export express report to an HTML file.
ParametersDataSource The ParametersDataSource component implements the Data Sources Parameters tab of the Parameters dialog box.
ParametersDialog The ParametersDialog component implements the Parameters dialog box where the user can adjust express report parameters.
ParametersDimensionsView The ParametersDimensionsView component implements the Dimensions tab in the Parameters dialog box.
ParetoDialog The ParetoDialog component implements a dialog box to set up Pareto distribution for data.
StatisticsWindow The StatisticsWindow component implements window of the Summary statistics dialog box that shows a tree which contains statistical characteristics of express report data.
StatTreeView The StatTreeView component implements the Summary Statistics dialog box that shows a tree which contains statistical characteristics of the express report data.
TitleBox The TitleBox component implements container for express report title.
TreeMapBox The TreeMapBox component implements a container for tree map.
XlsExportDialog The XlsExportDialog component implements the XLS Export Parameters dialog box.

See also:

DHTML Components