In this article:
Edit Output with Error Records
The Split transformer is an object that splits data. The Split object has a single input and may have multiple outputs. Data is split between the outputs by means of conditions that link inputs to outputs.
Data order and unique indexes are insignificant for splitting.
On using the Split transformer the table:
Key | Date | Value |
1 | Summer | 1111 |
1 | Winter | 2222 |
2 | Summer | 3333 |
2 | Winter | 4444 |
3 | Summer | 5555 |
3 | Winter | 6666 |
can be converted into two tables:
Key | Date | Value |
1 | Summer | 1111 |
2 | Summer | 3333 |
3 | Summer | 5555 |
Key | Date | Value |
1 | Winter | 2222 |
2 | Winter | 4444 |
3 | Winter | 6666 |
Get information about detailed example of use of this transformer.
In basic properties object name, identifier and comment are set.
To set a list of fields and link to input, use the Edit Input page.
The following parameters are available on the page:
NOTE. The screenshot represents edit wizard for the Repository data consumer.
To determine the list of transformer outputs and the list of fields for each output, use the Edit Outputs page.
This field contains a list of all outputs from transformer object linked to data consumers.
Available operations for outputs:
The field contains a list of fields and its properties in the selected output of data transformer. The output fields link output fields of data transformer with input fields of data consumers.
Available operations for output fields:
The Edit Outputs with Error Records page is used to set a link with a consumer, to which information about error records skipped by the transformer is exported:
Specify output identifier with errors and select available link with the consumer object, to which information about error records is exported.
The Settings button enables the user to determine advanced settings used on occurring error records:
Specify the maximum number of error records, information about which is exported. By default the -1 value is set, in this case information about all error records is exported.
NOTE. If there is a large number of error records, information export may slow down ETL task runtime.
If the maximum number of output records is set, select the action executed if this number is exceeded. By default, records output is not stopped.
Use the Splitter page to set conditions of data splitting. Conditions show link between input and output fields.
Input and output fields are displayed for the selected condition. If a splitter includes several conditions, these conditions are regarded as parts of a composite conditions joined by OR operator.
Default condition looks as follows: Condition00: True. It means that if there are configured links, data from input fields will be exported to output fields. If the Condition00: False is modified, if there are configured links data from input fields will be not exported to output fields.
NOTE. If custom condition is added, the default condition loses the priority and can be deleted.
Available operations with conditions:
For each condition it is necessary to link input fields with output fields, otherwise output fields will be empty.
Available operations with links of fields:
See also: