Examples of WinCE Framework Use

Below are examples of WinCE framework use.

Create a settings object:

var hhiveState = new HyperHiveState();

hhiveState.Environment = "<environment>";

hhiveState.Project = "<project>";

hhiveState.Host = "<url>";

hhiveState.DeviceId = "<deviceId>";

Create a framework class instance:

var instance = new HHive(hhiveState);

Connect to server:

if (!instance.Auth(username, password).Success)

    throw new Exception("Can't connect to server");

Create a local resource storage based on SQLite:

var sqliteStorage = new SQLiteDataResourceStorage(“<fileName>”, FileMode.Create);

Create an object to work with the storage:

var storage = new Storage(instance, sqliteStorage);

Get a list of available resources:

var extResources = storage.ExternalResources;

Get an object to work with resource:

var resource = storage.GetResource(“<resourceName>”);

Get resource cache by parameters:

var resourceCache = resource.GetCache(parameters);

Request to update data to the latest version:


Get data from local cache:

var values = resourceCache.Get(new string[] { “<column 1>”, “<column 2>”}, null, null, null, null, null);

See also:

WinCE Framework | Initializing and Setting Up WinCE Framework | Calling WinCE Framework Methods | Describing WinCE Framework Methods