The RequestCallParams, DeltaStreamCallParams, TableCallParams auxiliary classes contain the properties that are used to exchange requests with mobile platform server.
The RequestCallParams class is used in the request, tableStream, retryTableStream, tableStreamAsync and retryTableStreamAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
dataBasePath | String | "" | Path to database file. NOTE. If the fileName non-empty property is set at the same time, data is not sent to the database. |
dbPassword | String | "" | Database encryption key. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
args | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | A dictionary with additional arguments that are added to URL. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values.
init(defaultDb: ()) - class initialization using the init(defaultProperty:()) method and setting the dataBasePath property:
self.dataBasePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("Documents/hhfw.sqlite").path
The DeltaStreamCallParams class is used in the deltaStream, deltaStreamAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
dataBasePath | String | "" | Path to database file. NOTE. If the fileName non-empty property is set at the same time, data is not sent to the database. |
dbPassword | String | "" | Database encryption key. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values.
init(defaultDb: ()) - class initialization using the init(defaultProperty:()) method and setting the dataBasePath property:
self.dataBasePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("Documents/hhfw.sqlite").path
The TableCallParams class is used in the table, retryTable, tableAsync, retryTableAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
args | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | A dictionary with additional arguments that are added to URL. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values.
See also:
iOS Framework | Initializing and Setting Up iOS Framework | Describing iOS Framework Methods