Setting Up Push Notifications

To send push notifications to mobile devices, use the Push Notifications subsection:

Set parameters depending on the OS type in use:

NOTE. The Authorization Key box is available only if the Via Firebase Cloud Messaging checkbox is selected and the box is mandatory. When the Firebase service is used, the APNs parameters specified below become not available.

NOTE. To work with APNS server, authentication and SSL traffic inspection are required on the proxy server.

After setting up push notifications parameters click the Save button.

Sending Push Notifications

Push notifications sending algorithm:

  1. User authentication with specifying device DeviceID. The response contains api_sessionid used in further requests.

  2. The device token request from the corresponding push notifications service (for Android - Firebase, for iOS - APNS, for Windows - WNS) on a mobile device.

  3. Token sending to mobile platform server with a link to device and specifying platform, service, and token itself.

NOTE. If the sent token is already in the project, but is linked to other user, the server returns error. To relink the token, authenticate as the user, to who the token is linked, and send a request to delete token from server.

  1. Send a request:

Methods and requests to send push notifications are given in the Methods for Working with Push Notifications section.

To check state of push notification sending, see the Checking State of Push Notification Sending section.

See also:

Setting Up Environments and Projects | Adding a Message Topic | Adding Push Notification Templates | Checking State of Push Notification Sending