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Transferring Objects Between Repositories and Their Update > Creating an Update > Adding Repository Objects > Creating an Update Unit

Creating an Update Unit

An update unit is used to trace the events occurring when an update is applied. One of the development environment units contained in the update can be set as update unit.

To create a condition of a certain operation specified in the update unit, variables of the update flag are used.

To set the update unit, select the Set as Update Unit item in the unit's context menu on the Update panel.

The update unit should be positioned at the beginning of the update objects list. After declaring the update unit, the system requests to change its position in the update structure.

The body of this unit must contain the CUpdateEvents class inherited from the UpdateEvents class and containing the implementation of its methods, for example:

Public Class CUpdateEvents: UpdateEvents
// //Starting update
    Public Sub OnBeginUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
End Sub OnBeginUpdate;
// Check whether objects are ready for update
    Public Sub OnBeforeApplyUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
End Sub OnBeforeApplyUpdate;
// Processing data integrity issues
    Public Sub OnAskConstraintsHandling(Update: IMetabaseUpdate; Node: IMetabaseUpdateNode;
    Details: String;
Var Handling: UpdateDataConstraintsHandlingType);
End Sub OnAskConstraintsHandling;
// Updating permissions
    Public Sub OnAskReflectRights(Var Cancel: Boolean);
End Sub OnAskReflectRights;
// Updating objects
    Public Sub OnUpdateObject(Update: IMetabaseUpdate; CurrentNode: IMetabaseUpdateNode;
Var Skip: Boolean);
End Sub OnUpdateObject;
// Update end
    Public Sub OnEndUpdate(Update: IMetabaseUpdate);
End Sub OnEndUpdate;
End Class CUpdateEvents;

It is possible to view unit text.

NOTE. On separating administrator roles unit text cannot be viewed by information security administrator (ISA).

See also:

Adding Repository Objects