Transferring Objects Between Repositories and Their Update > Creating an Update > Adding Update Flags
Update flags are variables that can be used:
To store system version in an update file.
To create a condition of a certain operation specified in the update unit.
To set update conditions for object.
NOTE. The use of update flags is available only in the desktop application.
To work with update flags, select the Update > Update Flags main menu item.
Click the Add button.
Select the Add Flag context menu item.
Press the INSERT key.
Double-click the free space in the list.
The Update Flag dialog box opens when one of the operations is executed:
Specify flag properties: name, identifier, data type, and default value.
To edit the selected flag:
Click the Edit button.
Select the Edit Flag context menu item.
Double-click the flag.
After executing one of the operations the dialog box opens that is similar to the dialog box for flag creation.
To delete the selected flags:
Click the Delete button.
Select the Delete Flag context menu item.
After executing one of the operations the confirmation dialog box opens.
See also: