Working with MDM Dictionaries > Working with Dictionary Elements > Working with Elements via Clipboard
The following operations are available on working with dictionary elements via clipboard:
To copy the selected dictionary element to clipboard:
Click the Copy button on the toolbar of the Dictionary Elements tab. It is available only in the desktop application.
Select the Edit item in the main menu, then the Copy item. It is available only in the web application.
Select the Copy item in the element's context menu.
Press CTRL + C or CTRL + INSERT.
Elements are copied without child elements.
To cut the selected element to clipboard:
Click the Cut button on the toolbar of the Dictionary Elements tab. It is available only in the desktop application.
Select the Edit item in the main menu, then the Cut item. It is available only in the web application.
Select the Cut item in the element's context menu.
The element is cut with all its child elements.
To paste the element from the clipboard to the current position:
Click the Paste button on the toolbar of the Dictionary Elements tab. It is available in the desktop application.
Select the Edit item in the main menu, then select the Paste item. It is available in the web application.
Select the Paste item in the element's context menu.
The Dictionary Element Properties dialog box opens showing values of copied element attributes when an element copy is pasted. The source element name is added with the - Copy (Copy Number) suffix. For example, name of the Test copied element, name of the Test - Copy (1) copied element. In the web application, the name is not changed.
In the web application, elements can be pasted only using CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT.
Pasting of text and table data is supported; empty rows and cells are ignored.
Pasting is executed for the Name attribute. If data is a table, values of the first column are selected as a name. If data is text, the text limited with a tab character or a semicolon is selected as a name for CSV files.
When elements are pasted into a parametric dictionary, parameter value is set automatically according to the currently specified one in the dictionary.
If a dictionary contains attributes, which values are calculated by default on creating an element, when elements are pasted into this dictionary, attribute values are calculated automatically.
If a dictionary contains custom attributes that must be filled, pasting is not executed, and a message about whether these attributes with a list of their identifiers exist.
Table parametric dictionaries allow for copying and pasting dictionary elements when a set and values of parameters are changed. Elements are copied and pasted without child elements.
Example of using the Copy - Paste operations:
Set parameter value to 1.
Copy dictionary elements.
Set parameter value to 2.
Paste the elements. The copied values are added, parameter element attribute value for the copied elements is changed to 2. Elements are copied without child elements.
See also: