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Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Dictionaries > Managing Dictionary Elements and Hierarchies > Dictionary Hierarchy > Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionaries

Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionaries

Any other dictionary can be used as an alternative hierarchy. A connection is set between the two dictionaries to map their elements. By default the mapping is executed by identifier and type of source and alternative dictionary attributes.

After using the alternative hierarchy, the alternative dictionary elements that are mapped by index are displayed instead of the source dictionary elements.

NOTE. Adding  and  removing of MDM dictionary elements included into group of elements, and also using of groups of elements in various operations does not depend on whether default hierarchy is selected. Groups of elements of MDM dictionaries work only with main dictionary elements. It is unavailable to create a group go elements on default alternative hierarchies.

To set up alternative hierarchies based on a dictionary, use the Alternative Hierarchies dialog box.

Open the Alternative Hierarchies dialog box

The Alternative Hierarchies dialog box contains the operations:

Creation and general setup of alternative hierarchy

Rename alternative hierarchy

Delete alternative hierarchy

Delete all alternative hierarchies of a dictionary

Working with Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionaries

After setting up alternative hierarchy for the dictionary open it for view. For its elements and for elements of a dimension based on this dictionary with alternative hierarchy the context menu displays the Alternative Hierarchy additional submenu:

Operations with dictionary alternative hierarchy:

Select alternative hierarchy

Cancel using alternative hierarchy

Example of Using Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionaries

Consider a Territories table MDM dictionary that is classified by economic areas:

As alternative hierarchy the dictionary which is classified by federal districts is used.

Execute the following steps:

  1. Select the Alternative Hierarchies item in the Territories table MDM dictionary context menu item in object navigator.

  2. Add the Federal Districts table MDM dictionary in the Alternative Hierarchies area. To do this:

After executing one of the operations select the Federal Districts table MDM dictionary in the Select Object standard dialog box.

  1. Set up dictionary links and bind attributes:

  1. Click the OK button to save settings.

  2. In object navigator open for viewing the Territories table MDM dictionary and select the Alternative Hierarchy > Federal Districts dictionary context menu item. As a result of alternative hierarchy use, instead of the Territories table MDM dictionary elements, the Federal Districts table MDM dictionary elements compared by index will be displayed:

See also:

Dictionary Hierarchy | Using Dictionary Attribute to Build Alternative Hierarchy