Reference > Creating Formulas and Expressions > Setting Up Expression Calculation Period
To set up expression calculation period, use the calculation period panel. For example:
Show and hide calculation period panel
Cases, in which calculation period setup is not required
Available parameters depend on the object, for which an expression is set up. Take into account the features given in the Features of Setting Calculation Period section.
Set calculation period parameters:
Calculation Start. Set the method to determine expression calculation start date:
First Element from Selection. Default value. Calculation start date is determined by the first selected element in the calendar dimension.
Start of Data +/-. The calculation start date is equal to the first actual date of the input series plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
Specific Date. Specify calculation start date in the date editor located at the right.
Today +/-. The calculation start date is equal to the current date plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
From Sample Period End. The calculation start date is equal to the sample period end date minus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
Sample End. Set the method to determine expression sample end date:
Last Element from Selection. Default value. The sample end date is determined by the last selected element in the calendar dimension.
End of Data +/-. The sample end date is equal to the last actual date of the input series plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
Specific Date. Specify the sample end date in the date editor located at the right.
Today +/-. The sample end date is equal to the current date plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
From Calculation Start. The sample end date is equal to the calculation start date minus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
Calculation End. Set the method to determine expression calculation end date:
Display Period End. The calculation end date is equal to display period end date in the workbook.
Last Element from Selection. Default value. The calculation end date is determined by the last selected element in the calendar dimension.
Specific Date. Specify calculation date in the date editor located at the right.
End of Data +/-. The calculation end date is equal to the last actual date of input series plus the number of periods specified in the date editor located at the right.
Today +/-. The calculation end date is equal to the current date plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
From Sample Period End. The calculation end date is equal to the sample period end date plus the number of periods specified in the value editor located at the right.
Calculation Type. Set expression calculation type:
Series. Default. The expression is calculated for all data points at the same time.
Pointwise (Forward). The calculation is executed sequentially in each data point: first the expression is calculated by the first data point, then for the second one, and so on.
Pointwise (Backward). The calculation is executed sequentially in each data point: first the expression is calculated for the last data point, then for the last but one, and so on.
Frequency. Select calculation frequency.
After parameters are set, the expression will be calculated according to the specified calculation period.
If a data source does not contain a calendar dimension, calculation frequency cannot be selected. If a data source contains several calendar dimensions, the dimension is used, for which the Timeline type is specified.
If an expression is created for a table visualizer, and calculation period or one of calculation period dates are set by means od parameter via the IMsFormulaTermInfo.DateParamID property, this date will not be taken into account for the Start of Data +/- and End of Data +/- methods.
If the Today +/- method is used, sample and forecast end dates shift to the period end. Relevant for frequencies from monthly and higher.
For example, sample end date is April 2012, and calculation end date is equal to the sample end date. Thus, on series calculation the calculation end date is 30.04.2012.
If the method supposes that the date is shifted forward or backward, the date is shifted by the frequency of calculated element. For example, the Start of Data +/- method is selected for calculation start, the 4 value is specified in the value editor, and the calculated element has the monthly frequency. Therefore, calculation start is equal to the data start date minus four months.
The From Sample Period End method that is used to determine calculation start cannot be used at the same time with the From Calculation Start method that is used to determine sample end.
The Display Period End method that is used to determine calculation end is available if the expression editor is opened from the Time Series Analysis tool.
See also: