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Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection > Setting Up Dimension Role

Setting Up Dimension Role

For bubble charts, maps, bubble trees and tree maps the dimension role is specified instead of dimension layout.

Selecting a fixed dimension as a metrics for a table enables the user to set up the view for several dimension elements using font color and size or cell fill.

The dimension role is set via the tab menu in the Selection group of side panel tabs.

The following dimension roles are available:

NOTE. The Observation Objects dimension is mandatory for plotting bubble charts, bubble trees and tree maps. The dimension for a map should additionally meet requirements for working with maps.

Dimensions without assigned role remain fixed.

NOTE. If several objects use one data slice in regular report, slice dimensions will have the same roles.

Comparing Metrics Dimension Element and Visualizer Characteristics

If metrics dimension elements control visualizer characteristics, additional radio buttons are displayed on the dimension tab. The set of radio buttons depends on the visualizer type. For example:

The radio button name corresponds to the controlled characteristic. If the characteristic is set, it is selected.

To map dimension elements and visualizer characteristic:

  1. Select the radio button that corresponds to the controlled visualizer characteristic.

  2. Select the controlling dimension element.

The visualizer is rebuilt according to the set metrics.

Metrics dimension elements enable the user to control the following characteristics:

For a table

For a map

For a chart

For a bubble chart

For a bubble tree and tree map

Dimension Aggregation for Metrics

It enables the user to merge data of all elements selected in fixed dimensions. Aggregation result is passed to a tool visualizer.The aggregation method on dimensions is available for each dimension metric with the Metric role.

The aggregation method is set manually in report or is sent from cube:

In case of multiple selection by the Value metric, the aggregation type of the first cube element is applied.

Data aggregation method

Metrics Synchronization

Metrics can be synchronized between visualizers.

To enable metrics synchronization, select the Synch Metrics item in the drop-down menu of the dimension on the Selection group of side panel tabs.

The following types of metrics can be synchronized:

See also:

Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection