Map > Basic Requirements for Working with Map
For correct working with a map the following requirements should be met:
A topobase should be loaded to repository.
The repository must have a default map. This requirement is relevant only for the web application. In the desktop application without default map it will be suggested to choose a map from the current repository.
The territory dictionary, which is used as the territory dimension of the data source, must contain a string attribute with the TERRID identifier. This attribute must contain territory codes according to ISO 3166-1 standard.
Requirements for the Time Series Analysis tool: the time series database must contain the mandatory attribute of series, referring to this territory dictionary.
NOTE. On territory dimension combining the TERRID attribute will be unavailable. The map will be available if territory dimension is not included into the combined one.
The map in use must contain the ISO string attribute with values of territory codes according to ISO 3166-1 standard.
If the map does not contain the ISO attribute, it must contain the ID real attribute with values of territory identifiers. Territories dictionary must contain the TERRID real attribute with values corresponding to the ID attribute values for the map.
The information about the ISO attribute can be obtained from map developers.
TIP. To use the arbitrary attribute of the dictionary containing territory codes according to ISO 3166-1 standard, instead of the TERRID attribute use IEaxMap.TerrAttribute.
Depending on the aspect of working with the map the following requirements can be imposed:
See also: