Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabHyperlink > ITabHyperlink.UseGlobalSettings
UseGlobalSettings: TriState;
The UseGlobalSettings property determines whether global style settings are applied to the hyperlink.
To execute the example a regular report with the REGL_REP identifier in the repository is required. This report must contain a sheet named Sheet2.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Rep: IPrxReport;
SheetT: IPrxTable;
Tab: ITabSheet;
Range: ITabRange;
Hyperlink: ITabHyperlink;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Rep := MB.ItemById("REP_TABSHEET").Edit As IPrxReport;
SheetT := Rep.Sheets.Item(0) As IPrxTable;
Tab := SheetT.TabSheet;
Range := Tab.Cell(0, 0);
Hyperlink := Range.Style.Hyperlink;
Hyperlink.Action := "=Sheet2";
Hyperlink.Enable := TriState.OnOption;
Hyperlink.SeparateLinkText := TriState.OnOption;
Hyperlink.Text := "Goto_List2";
Hyperlink.Underline := TriState.OffOption;
Hyperlink.UseGlobalSettings := TriState.OffOption;
(Rep As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a hyperlink with the Goto_List2 text is created in the A0 cell. Clicking the link sends you to the Sheet2. Global style settings are not applied to this hyperlink, and the hyperlink is not underlined.
See also: