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Tab > Tab Assembly Interfaces > ITabHyperlink



The ITabHyperlink interface determines the cell hyperlink parameters.


  Property name Description
The Action property determines the action to be performed, when a hyperlink is activated.
The ActionType property determines type of the action triggered by clicking the hyperlink.
The Active property determines whether the hyperlink was used.
The Color property determines the color of a hyperlink in a cell.
The Enable property determines whether the cell text should be considered a hyperlink.
The SeparateLinkText property determines whether separate text should be used for a hyperlink.
The Target property determines how the page is loaded after clicking the link.
The Text property determines the hyperlink text.
The Underline property determines whether the hyperlink is underlined.
The UseGlobalSettings property determines whether global style settings are applied to the hyperlink.


  Method name Description
The Apply method applies the parameters of the specified hyperlink to the current one.
The Assign method assigns the parameters of the hyperlink, specified as the input parameter, to the current hyperlink.
The Equal method compares hyperlinks.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces