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Tab > Tab Assembly Enumerations > TabViewEventGroups



The TabViewEventGroups enumeration is used to determine groups of events fired for table.

It is used by the following property:

Available values

Value Brief description
1 ClickEvents. Group of events that occur on mouse click:
2 SelectionEvents. Group of events that occur on cell selection:
4 CellChangeEvents. Group of events that occur on changing cell(s) contents:
8 ResizeEvents. Group of events that occur on resizing:
16 EditEvents. Group of events that occur on cell editing:
32 InteractiveEvents. Group of interactive events:
64 NotifyEvents. Group of events that occur on working with table:
128 EditorEvents. Group of events related to cell data editing:
256 InsertOrDeleteRangeEvents. Group of events related to table range adding and deleting:
512 ObjectEvents. Group of events related to object moving, rotating or resizing:
65535 AllEvents. All table events.

See also:

Tab Assembly Enumerations