Tab > Tab Assembly Classes > TabSheetBox > TabSheetBox.OnAutoFilter
Sub TabSheetBoxOnAutoFilter(Sender: Object; Args: ITabAutoFilterEventArgs);
//set of operators
End Sub TabSheetBoxOnAutoFilter;
Sender - a parameter, indicating the component, in which the event has occurred.
Args - a parameter, which allows to define the column, in which the event has occurred.
The OnAutoFilter event occurs on setting table auto filter.
To execute the example, this procedure has to be set as an event handler to the OnAutoFilter event for the TabSheetBox component named TabSheetBox1.
Sub TabSheetBox1OnAutoFilter(Sender: Object; Args: ITabAutoFilterEventArgs);
i: Integer;
End Sub TabSheetBox1OnAutoFilter;
After executing the event, the variable «i» will contain the selected condition type.
See also: