Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISlARMA > ISlARMA.ParseMASeas
ParseMASeas(Value: String; [AssignOrder: Boolean = True]);
ParseMASeas(Value: String; AssignOrder: boolean);
Value. String representation of seasonal moving average order.
AssignOrder. Indicates, whether the obtained value is set into the ISlARMA.OrderMASeas property.
The ParseMASeas method parses string representation of seasonal moving average order.
The Value parameter should contain numbers or ranges of seasonal moving average orders, separated with commas. For example:
If AssignOrder = True, after executing the ParseMASeas the obtained value is set into the ISlARMA.OrderMASeas property. If AssignOrder = False, seasonal moving average order does not change.
The property use is given in the example for ISlARMA.CoefficientsARSeas.
See also: