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Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Interfaces > ISlARMA


Assembly: Stat;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;


The ISlARMA interface includes properties used to work with the parameters of autoregression and moving mean.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
The ARRootsIm property returns values of imaginary part of AR process characteristic roots.
The ARRootsRe property returns values of real part of AR process characteristic roots.
The CalcInitMode property selects method of determining initial approximations.
The CoefficientsAR property returns autoregression coefficients.
The CoefficientsARSeas property returns seasonal autoregression coefficients.
The CoefficientsMA property returns moving average coefficients.
The CoefficientsMASeas property returns seasonal moving average coefficients.
The Diff property determines the difference.
The DiffSeas property defines seasonal difference.
The EstimationApproach property determines the method of coefficients estimation.
The EstimationMethod property determines optimization method.
The InitAR property determines initial approximations of autoregression.
The InitARSeas property determines initial approximations of seasonal autoregression.
Outdated. Use IIntercept.InitValue. The InitIntercept property determines initial approximation for the constant.
The InitMA property determines initial approximations of moving average.
The InitMASeas property determines initial approximations of seasonal moving average.
Outdated. The LambdaLevenbergMarquardt property determines value of the regularization parameter used by the optimization method ARMAEstimationMethodType.LevenbergMarquardt.
The MARootsIm property returns values of the imaginary part of MA process characteristic roots.
The MARootsRe property returns values of the real part of MA process characteristic roots.
The MaxIteration property determines the maximum number of iterations.
Outdated. The MaxStep property determines maximum distance between initial approximations of autoregression and seasonal average.
The OrderAR property determines an autoregression order.
The OrderARSeas property determines seasonal autoregression order.
The OrderMA property determines moving average order.
The OrderMASeas property determines order of seasonal moving average.
The PeriodSeas property determines seasonality period.
The Tolerance property determines calculation accuracy.
The UseAnalyticDeriv property determines whether analytical derivatives are used in solution search.
The UseARMAasInstrums property determines whether lagged values of explained and explanatory variables are to be used as advanced tools.
The UseBackCast property determines whether backcast should be used when estimating moving average coefficients.
The UseFittedInForecast property determines, whether the first forecast values are calculated in the autoregression model based on modeled values.


  Property name Brief description
The ParseAR method parses string representation of autoregression order.
The ParseARSeas method parses string representation of seasonal autoregression order.
The ParseMA method parses string representation of moving average order.
The ParseMASeas method parses string representation of seasonal moving average order.

See also:

Stat Assembly Interfaces | Calculating Method with Specifying Seasonal Autoregression and Moving Average