Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IListView > IListView.HighlightTrack
HighlightTrack: Boolean;
The HighlightTrack property determines whether to highlight element on mouseover.
Available values:
True. Default value. The element is highlighted on mouseover.
False. The element is not highlighted on mouseover.
Executing the example requires a form that contains the ListView component with the ListView1 identifier. The component must contain several columns and elements.
Sub ShowProc;
ListView1.Style := ListViewStyle.Report;
ListView1.ShowColumnHeaders := True;
ListView1.ShowHeaderButton := True;
ListView1.HighlightTrack := False;
End Sub ShowProc;
Example execution result: the ListView1 component displays column headers and the button that opens column headers' menu; elements highlighting on mouseover is disabled.
See also: