Mobile Application > Examples of pplib++ Library Use > Working with Express Report
Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.
Mobile device: iPad.
This example describes some methods of working with express report. After starting the example the following operations are executed:
Express report is returned.
Express report title is returned.
An express report copy containing custom data warehouse is created.
An express report copy without custom data warehouse is created.
Express report fixed dimension is specified.
Express report first copy dimension located in columns is specified.
Express report second copy dimension located in rows is specified.
Express report data source is retrieved.
Dimension element selection container is retrieved.
New identifiers of metric dimension, observation object dimension, calendar dimension, by which timeline is built, are set for the first report copy.
A new data source is set for the first report copy.
A new dimension selection container is set for the first report copy.
Available keys of map settings dictionary are returned.
Executing the example requires to place the following code instead of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):
-(void)executeExample { // Get express report SPPLOlapReport report = m_olapReport; // Get express report title SNString title = report->title(); printf("Express report title: %s\n",title->UTF8String()); // Get express report copy SPPLOlapReport copy =report->copy()->qClass<PPLOlapReport>(); // Get express report copy without custom data warehouse SPPLOlapReport copyWithoutStorage =report->copyWithoutStorage()->qClass<PPLOlapReport>(); // Get dimension array SNArray allDimensions = [self allDimensions]; if (allDimensions->count() < 1) { printf("No dimension is found"); return; } // Get first dimension in array SPPLDimension dimension = allDimensions->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(0); printf("Number of express report fixed dimensions: %d\n", report->fixedDimensions()->count()); // Specify fixed dimension report->putDimensionToFixed(dimension); printf("Number of express report fixed dimensions: %d\n", report->fixedDimensions()->count()); printf("Number of dimension located in columns for the first report copy: %d\n",copy->leftDimensions()->count()); // Specify dimension located in columns for the first report copy copy->putDimensionToLeft(dimension); printf("Locating of dimension in columns for the first report copy\n"); printf("Number of dimensions located in columns for the first report copy: %d\n", copy->leftDimensions()->count()); // Get second cube dimension in array SPPLDimension dimension1 = allDimensions->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(1); printf("Number of dimensions located in rows for the second report copy: %d\n", copyWithoutStorage->topDimensions()->count()); // Specify dimension located in rows for the second report copy copyWithoutStorage->putDimensionToTop(dimension1); printf("Locating of dimension in rows for the second report copy\n"); printf("Number of dimensions located in rows for the second report copy: %d\n", copyWithoutStorage->topDimensions()->count()); // Get express report data source SPPLDataSource dataSource = report->dataSource(); printf("Name of the object, based on which an express report data source is created: %s\n",dataSource->descriptor()->name()->UTF8String()); // Get express report dimension element selection container SPPLDimensionSelectionSet selectionSet = report->selectionSet(); printf("Number of dimension element selections in express report label container: %d\n",selectionSet->selectionsCount()); // Set new identifier of metric dimension for the first report copy copy->setMetrics(NStr("New metric dimension")); printf("Metric dimension identifier for the first report copy: %s\n",copy->metrics()->UTF8String()); // Set new identifier of observation object dimension for the first report copy copy->setObjectives(NStr("New observation object dimension")); printf("Observation object identifier for the first report copy: %s\n",copy->objectives()->UTF8String()); // Set new identifier of calendar dimension used for building a timeline for the first report copy copy->setTimeline(NStr("New timeline dimension")); printf("Identifier of calendar dimension used for building a timeline in the firs report copy: %s\n",copy->timeline()->UTF8String()); // Create a repository copy for the first dimension SPPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor descriptor = dimension->relatedObjectDescriptor()->copy()->qClass<PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor>(); // Create a new data source based on repository object copy SPPLDataSource createdDataSource = PPLDataSource::dataSource(descriptor); if (createdDataSource != NULL) { // Set new repository object name, based on which a data source is created createdDataSource->descriptor()->setName(NStr("New repository object")); // Set new data source for the first report copy copy->setDataSource(createdDataSource); printf("Name of the object, based on which the first report copy data source is created: %s\n",copy->dataSource()->descriptor()->name()->UTF8String()); } else { printf("Failed to create a new data source based on the repository object copy"); } printf("Object name, based on which the first report copy data source is created: %s\n",copy->dataSource()->descriptor()->name()->UTF8String()); // Get copy of express report dimension element selection container SPPLDimensionSelectionSet createdSelectionSet = report->selectionSet()->copy()->qClass<PPLDimensionSelectionSet>(); // Get last selection in container copy SPPLDimensionSelection selection = createdSelectionSet->getSelectionByIndex(createdSelectionSet->selectionsCount() - 1); // Remove last selection from container copy createdSelectionSet->removeSelection(selection->dimension()->id()); // Set new selection container for the first report copy copy->setSelectionSet(createdSelectionSet); printf("Number of dimension element selections in the first report copy selection container: %d\n",copy->selectionSet()->selectionsCount()); // Display information about map data source [self printMapDSInfo]; } -(void) printMapDSInfo { // Get express report controller MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *contr = (MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *)m_controller; // Get express report delegate EAReportDelegateImpl *delegate = [contr delegate]; // Save current report state [delegate saveReport]; // Get map data source settings SNDictionary mapDSSettings = [delegate olapReport]->mapDSSettings(); if (mapDSSettings != nullptr) { printf("Available keys of map settings dictionary:\n"); N_FOREACH(SNString, key, mapDSSettings->allKeys()) { printf("%s\n", key->UTF8String()); } } else { printf("Map data source settings are not defined\n"); } }
After executing the example the development environment console displays information about the express report and its copies, changes in metric dimension array, observation object dimension array, and in calendar dimension array, by which report object timeline is built, and also information about the new data source and first report copy selection container:
Express report title: &[Dimensions.FACTS_WDI_COPY_1557]
Number of express report fixed dimensions: 1
Number of express report fixed dimensions: 2
Number of dimensions located in columns for the first report copy: 1
Locating of dimension in columns for the first report copy
Number of dimensions located in columns for the first report copy: 2
Number of dimensions located in rows for the second report copy: 1
Locating of dimension in rows for the second report copy
Number of dimensions located in rows for the second report copy: 2
Name of the object, based on which an express report data source is created: World Development Indicators
Number of dimension element selections in express report selection container: 3
Metric dimension identifier for the first report copy: New metric dimension
Observation object dimension identifier for the first report copy: New observation object dimension
Identifier of calendar dimension used for building a timeline in the first report copy: New timeline dimension
Object name, based on which the first report copy data source is created: New repository object
Available keys of map settings dictionary:
See also: