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Map > Map Assembly Interfaces

Map Assembly Interfaces

The following interfaces are available within the Map assembly:

  Interface Brief description
IMap The IMap interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine map parameters.
IMapAreaVisual The IMapAreaVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map factor on a map layer.
IMapArrow The IMapArrow interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the arrow between territories.
IMapBackground The IMapBackground interface is used to set up map legend background.
IMapBarVisual The IMapBarVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine bar factor parameters.
IMapBox The IMapBox interface contains properties and methods of the MapBox development environment component.
IMapBoxTerritoryEventArgs The IMapBoxTerritoryEventArgs interface contains properties of the OnTerritoryClick event argument of the   MapBox  component that appears on clicking on any map region with the main mouse button.
IMapColorCollection The IMapColorCollection interface determines the collection of factor colors.
IMapColorScale The IMapColorScale interface determines color scale parameters for a map.
IMapDataAdapter The IMapDataAdapter interface contains properties that are used to work with a data adapter.
IMapDynamicDataAdapter The IMapDynamicDataAdapter interface contains properties that are used to work with a dynamic data adapter.
IMapExporter Outdated. The IMapExporter interface contains properties and methods for map export.
IMapFillScale The IMapFillScale interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a hatching scale.
IMapIconScale The IMapIconScale interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an icon scale.
IMapImageVisual The IMapImageVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an icon factor on a map layer.
IMapLayer The IMapLayer interface contains properties that are used to determine map layer parameters.
IMapLayerArrows The IMapLayerArrows interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine arrows collection parameters.
IMapLayers The IMapLayer interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of map layers collection.
IMapLayerVisuals The IMapLayerVisuals interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a factors collection of a map layer.
IMapLegend The IMapLegend interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map legend.
IMapLegendHeader The IMapLegendHeader interface contains properties that are used to work with the upper and lower legend text.
IMapLegendLabelFormat The IMapLegendLabelFormat interface contains properties that are used to work with format parameters of legend labels.
IMapNumericScale The IMapNumericScale interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a numeric scale.
IMapMarkerVisual The IMapMarkerVisual interface is used to work with geolocation markers.
IMapPieVisual The IMapPieVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a pie factor.
IMapScale The IMapScale interface determines report scales parameters. This interface is a base interface for a number of interfaces.
IMapSource The IMapSource interface is an intermediate one and is used to transfer data from the UiMap or UiErAnalyzer component to the MapBox component.
IMapTerritoryInfo The IMapTerritoryInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with territory info.
IMapTimeDataAdapter The IMapTimeDataAdapter interface is used to get information about factors at different time points in the map layer.
IMapTimeDynamicDataAdapter The IMapTimeDynamicDataAdapter interface is used to get information about dynamic factors at different time points in the map layer.
IMapTopobase The IMapTopobase interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map topobase.
IMapTopobaseAttributeNames The IMapTopobaseAttributeNames interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of map layer attributes name collection.
IMapTopobasePrimitive The IMapTopobasePrimitive interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the primitives, that make up a map layer area.
IMapTopobasePrimitives The IMapTopobasePrimitives interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the primitives that make up a map layer area.
IMapTopobaseShape The IMapTopobaseShape interface contains properties that are used to determine map layer area parameters.
IMapTopobaseShapes The IMapTopobaseShapes interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of a map layer areas collection.
IMapView The IMapView interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine display parameters for a map and map objects.
IMapVisual The IMapVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with map factors on a map layer.
IMapVisualColorProperty The IMapVisualColorProperty interface contains properties that are used to work with factor fill parameters.
IMapVisualFillProperty The IMapVisualFillProperty interface contains properties that are used to work with factor hatching parameters.
IMapVisualIconProperty The IMapVisualIconProperty interface contains properties that are used to work with factor icon parameters.
IMapVisualNumericProperty The IMapVisualNumericProperty interface contains properties that are used to work with factor numeric parameters.
IMapWidget The IMapWidget interface is used to work with the MapWidget component.
IUiMap The IUiMap interface contains properties of the UiMap development environment component that is a data source for the MapBox component.

See also:

Map Assembly Enumerations

Map Assembly Classes